Agent 1 (Book 3)

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Dedicated to: Quidam13


"What makes you think we can trust this agent 1 guy?"

"I-uh, i knew him before he was an agent... he's trustworthy... to an extent."

"And I already told you I corrupted him. It's all good."

"We are all going to die."


Devin is hurt.

Jason is missing.

Lily is alive.

The team finally has what they need to take down Garrett...But now they are short one agent. Lily can fill in for Jason buy they still can't count on Devin till he's completely healed.

So they decide to rely on a new ally...or maybe just an old enemy.

When they need help who better to turn to than a new agent? As Lily's pointed out before, new agents are always easy to corrupt.

But agent 1 really never needed to be corrupted to begin with... this isn't going to end well.

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