Quirk Apprehension test and Dating?

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What kind of childhood did these two have?

That was the only thing going through Shota Aizawa's mind as he watched Izuku and Nozomonai take the Quirk Apprehension Test.

Nozomonai participated as a demonstration and continued because it was 'fun' for her and Shota didn't stop her if that's what she wanted.

One other thing did bother him except for that one thought but it was connected to the first thought so Shota deemed it stupid to disconnect the two thoughts.

What is up with Todoroki and A- Izuku?

His relationship with Todoroki was overall just acquaintances as far as Shota could say but the same couldn't be said for Todoroki and his two adopted children.

Especially for A- Izuku.

Shota cursed himself for still not falling out of the habit of calling him Akatani despite him insisting it's fine.

He had no idea how to react to how similar they were at times.

Izuku still wasn't comfortable with being hugged.

He seemed fine with Eri but anyone else who tried to hug him got smacked away or he just got very clearly distressed.

It seemed though Todoroki also wasn't big on hugs.

Nozomonai tried to hug him only for him to awkwardly tense up and left Nozomonai pouting as she went back to do some work.

They both seemed to have some mutual understanding with one another.

They also seemed to unintentionally? act like a couple at times.

An example would be after the 50 meter dash and Todoroki was catching his breath for a second, A- DAMMIT Izuku went over and gave him water and even though that wasn't much there was more.

Personal boundaries didn't seem to be much of a thing (aside from the hugging thing) between the two of them with some situations they get in.

They always move near each other and I even caught them holding hands at some point. Actually not at some point but quite a lot of times.

He confronted him and asked if he was more than friends with Todoroki in which he appeared genuinely confused at the question.

"Alright Akatani I want you to be honest with me" Shota said to the confused Izuku.

"About what?" Izuku asked.

"Are you more than friends with Todoroki?" Shota asked and Izuku tilted his head.

"What does that mean Father?" Izuku asked.

"Are you and Todoroki dating?" Shota asked. "Just know I'm not mad-"

"What is dating?" Izuku asked.

Shota blinked and decided not to explain what dating is and simply say it's not important much to Izuku's disappointment.

"Is that really.... unintentional?" Shota wondered as Izuku held Todoroki's hand as they watched their classmates.

Eri was next to Izuku holding onto his other hand as they watched Mineta do surprisingly well in the side step.

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