Here's to the Future

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Chapter 32

Time was hard to keep track of for the humans since there was no circadian cycle onboard the ship. Even so, they were sure that it had been at least three days since they spoke to the Council. They each tried to remind themselves that it was expected, even if they thought there might have been questions at least. Still, they did what they could to keep occupied.

They had been given a section of suites, so they didn't want for anything. The Soldiers even had room for sparring, though they did keep it calmer than usual. The scale of everything took some getting used to, but it wasn't so far off that they couldn't learn quickly. The technology was another matter. Most of the things in the rooms were self-explanatory, but there were a few things that took trial and error to figure out. At least nothing exploded.

By the middle of what they assumed was the third day, they were all getting restless. Rufus had tried to talk to Cloud once more, and the younger blonde nearly snapped at him. He managed to turn away and go find something to calm himself instead. As annoying as he found Rufus, he knew he wasn't really angry with the man.

Before he made it out of the room though, Zatier entered. None of them jumped up, as the male had visited them every day to make sure they had everything they needed. Today, however, his face was far more somber. He motioned for them all to join him. When they did, he spoke. "A decision has been made, and the Council has requested your presence."

They were shocked that a decision had been reached without further questions, and none of them were sure if it was a good or bad sign. They also realized they weren't going to find out by waiting, so they motioned Zatier to lead the way.

They had not made it very far before they were joined by the rest of the crew that had been on Gaia as well as Evarin. They were surprised that the Elder was walking with them, but none of them asked him why. His face was just as somber as Zatier's.

Before they made it to the council room, chaos erupted. There were no sounds to notify any of them of the impending attack, but both Sephiroth and Genesis felt something antagonistic and jumped in front of Cloud with their weapons in hand. They were not nearly as fast as Evarin, however. By the time they had the blonde covered, they had heard a clash of metal and looked over to see the Elder locked in combat with a female that had the same coloring.

Even the three that were enhanced had a hard time following the two of them, but it was over quickly. Evarin had the female pinned with his blade at her throat. The female snarled at him, but when Sephiroth looked closer, she could tell the woman was near tears. Her suspicions on why were quickly confirmed when they heard her speak.

"You only have one sister remaining, and yet you would draw my blood before you would allow me to find justice?"

Evarin shook his head and stood. He didn't let go of his blade, though. "You are not seeking justice; you are seeking revenge. Let it go, as it will only corrupt you. I have lost many already, I do not want to lose you as well. Whether it is to the sickness in your mind or to their blades, you would be just as lost."

The female looked like she was ready to spit at him, but she let her blade disappear and gave Cloud a hateful look before she turned back. "You are only Elder because Evolet has perished. Remember that when you continue to champion her killer."

Evarin shook his head and let go of his blade as well. "Eltair, you know in your heart that Evolet was gone long before we found out of her final demise. This male was not her undoing. He was the one that finally ended her misery. Let go of your anger, and you will understand."

She shook her head in disgust, but she didn't say anything else as she walked away. Her parting glance at Cloud promised that he would die quickly if she ever found him alone. Sephiroth vowed at that point that even if he didn't like it, she would not be allowing him to go anywhere unescorted until they were back on Gaia.

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