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Chapter 22

Sephiroth was thankful when they saw Genesis flying nearby before they had made it far. When the red-head caught sight of them, he dove to land next to them. He gave Sephiroth a heated glare but didn't say anything as he had also noticed Shelke. He didn't pause to ask before he removed his warmer jacket and gave it to Sephiroth. When she looked like she was going to object he stopped her. "I still have my duster and you gave yours to Shelke. We need to get back to camp quickly anyway."

Sephiroth didn't bother to say anything else. She took Shelke's hand again before moving to follow Genesis. The cold made the walk back seem longer than it actually was, but once they made it to camp they all gathered around the warm fire. Angeal had jumped up at their approach. His voice was full of relief when he spoke. "I wasn't sure we would be seeing you again so soon, but we didn't want to leave on the off chance you could make it out. Do we need to prepare for the aliens?"

Sephiroth appreciated Angeal's practical approach, but she shook her head at his question. "No, they let us go. We were given an ultimatum and thirty days to comply."

At her words, Genesis growled. "I don't care what their ultimatum was, we would be better off going back right now and destroying them."

Sephiroth shook her head again. "As much as I would love to agree with you, we need to have a plan first. They are much more powerful than we realized, and we cannot underestimate them. I will agree that there will be no discussion of fulfilling their ultimatum though."

At that Angeal gave her a worried look before speaking up. "Did you find anything out about the barrier? What are their demands?"

Sephiroth turned to Shelke briefly before responding. She was watching the three of them with interest. "I wasn't able to find any weaknesses within the barrier. They have created a thriving environment under it, though. It's unlike anything I have ever seen before. As for their demands, they want Cloud. The original male is still calling him a murderer and wants to punish him. I will not allow it."

Genesis was still glaring when he spoke up again. "You cannot make that decision alone. This may end up being a case of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the one. We need to let everyone know so a decision can be made."

Sephiroth glared back. "No, I will not allow him to sacrifice himself for something he was justified in doing. There are none of us that could be considered uninvolved anyway. If any of us had been faced with the choices that Cloud made the end result would have been the same. They are not looking for justice, they want revenge."

Angeal was wearing a frown when he spoke up again. "I agree that we cannot let him sacrifice himself, but we still need to let everyone know what was said. We all need to be prepared."

Sephiroth finally sighed and sat down in front of the fire. "You are right. I will tell them everything, but if I have to tie him up to keep him from going I will."

Genesis huffed when he sat down next to her. "I am sure there are several who would help. There might even be some that would find it satisfying."

She gave him a crooked smile. She knew he had not yet forgiven Cloud for trying to kill her when they first met again. "I'm hoping it won't come to that. For now, we need to rest. The climb down tomorrow will be strenuous and we need to make sure we are all ready." She paused and turned to Shelke. "We can make sure you have something warm to wear too."

Shelke hadn't said much yet as they had all been distracted with the thoughts of the aliens, but they all turned to look at the girl that wasn't really a little girl. She tilted her head slightly at their regard before speaking. "I would be thankful for that Sephiroth Valentine. I can also assist in carrying things back down."

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