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Sephiroth could barely focus well enough to keep his eyes on the man walking in front of him. He tried concentrating on the voices running through his head, but it was disorienting and clashed with the noises of the city around him. The cacophony was causing a headache to start behind his eyes.

Putting one foot in front of the other was taking all his concentration, so he had lost all concept of time. He hadn't even realized they had finally arrived until he almost ran into Vincent's back. He stopped just shy of colliding with him.

When he stopped, he managed to push the planet's voice far enough back that he could focus around him a little more. Once he was able to accomplish that, he found they were standing outside a large building. It was not nearly as impressive as the Shinra building had been, but it still stood out against the buildings that made up the rest of the city.

He followed Vincent into the lobby and listened with only half an ear as Vincent let the receptionist know they were expected. He was looking around with a critical eye. His general's instincts had him evaluating the best routes for escape if it became a necessity.

His perusal only took a few moments. When he turned back to Vincent, he found he had already started toward the elevators. He moved to follow, catching up as the elevator doors opened. It took them to the top floor. Vincent apparently knew where he was headed as he didn't hesitate when they exited the elevator. They moved down a long hallway filled with what Sephiroth could only guess was offices.

When they reached the end, Vincent knocked once on the last door on the right. A muffled voiced called out for them to enter. He closed the door once they both were inside. Sephiroth looked around the office like he had the lobby. He was surprised to see it was relatively modest. There was a large desk by the window, but there was also a monitor and workstation that took up one wall.

His eyes finally landed on the man they had come here to meet. Reeve had not said anything yet. His eyes were still locked onto Sephiroth's face. It was still partially hidden by his hood, but at this close of a distance, it would have been hard to hide it entirely.

Reeve finally looked back to Vincent. His face was neutral except for a slight furrow between his brows. "Vincent, good to see you again. I suppose this is the person Tifa called me about?"

Reeve knew he could trust Tifa and Vincent and so he tried not to let the woman in front of him rattle him. She had not moved or spoken yet, but his first thoughts were of the remnants they had all fought two years past, just like everyone else that had seen her so far.

Sephiroth chose to keep his silence. He knew it would be best if the news came from Vincent since Reeve was more likely to trust the gunman. He could tell he was contemplating how to best break the news.

"It is. Tifa did not tell you everything, so you may want to sit down before we continue." Reeve only tensed further at that but moved to sit back down as suggested. He motioned to the other seats in the room as he did so in an invitation to the other two.

Sephiroth sat when Vincent did. He finally decided to lower his hood and almost flinched at Reeve's sharp gasp. Reeve had always been pragmatic, though, so his gaze turned assessing quickly. "I can understand why she had issues sharing any information over the phone. I am to assume you are not only to escort our guest but to fill me in as well?"

His gaze was still on Sephiroth, even though he had addressed Vincent. Vincent once again took some time to deliberate before answering. "Yes, I suppose I would be the best to do so. There is no easy way to say this, but it seems as if this woman is Sephiroth." Vincent paused at this point to let the news sink in. He knew it would not be an easy fact to digest for anyone, especially those that participated in both quests to stop the man's plans.

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