What the Planet Gave Us

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Chapter 17

When everyone started to move again, there was little that was said. Most of the group was still in shock from what they had just learned. It tilted everything any of them had previously believed on its ear. The trip back to the WRO headquarters was a subdued one.

The first thing most of the group did, was head to the war room. Reeve had communicated that there was little to no new information, but they wanted to see what progress could be made in finding Shelke. Weiss was the only one that had no desire to stay up, as it was already late by the time they got back. As much as Genesis wanted to stay, he volunteered to go with Weiss. As a testament to his actions up to that point, he was allowed to go with a single escort.

Unfortunately, there was nothing of any real value to add to what they already knew. The scouts were in regular contact, but it would take them another day, maybe two, to get to the Northern Crater. The only thing new was the fact that the anomalous readings from that area were spiking at a higher rate. This news did not serve to ease anyone's worry, but no matter how much they wanted to head out right away, they all knew it would be reckless at best. Once they realized there was nothing more for them to do, the rest of the group headed back to try and rest while they still could. It was doubtful that most of them found sleep an easy thing to attain though.


Cid had stayed with the Shera, so when the group was up early, they decided to go see what 'improvements' the pilot had made. The only ones that didn't go were Sephiroth, Genesis, Weiss, and Vincent. Sephiroth knew that they would all be traveling together soon but had no desire to climb into an enclosed space with people that he was sure still wanted him dead. While Cloud and his friends, along with the Turks, made their way to the Shera, Sephiroth headed to the quad. He desperately felt the need to run through his katas. He needed to center himself now more than he ever had before.

Unknown to Genesis, his thoughts were mirrored by his one remaining friend. His mind was so occupied with thoughts of what they had learned the day before that he didn't bother asking her to spar. Instead, he watched her move through the smooth motions of the katas he had once teased her for indulging in. It wasn't long before he joined her, blocking out all other sounds and leaving the barest of his senses open to the area around them.

His mind was almost fully occupied by the truth they had learned. They had all believed themselves to be monsters because they shared so much with such a monstrous being. To find out that not even she had been what they believed her to be before she lost herself to insanity made him reevaluate his status. Was it really possible for their humanity to be that easy to accept? If the horrid parts of them were not inherently evil, did it truly mean they had a choice after all? He had been trying to convince himself of that since his meeting with Minerva, but it was not an easy thing to accept after the things he had done.

He was jerked from his thoughts when Sephiroth nearly fell over. He was by her side as soon as the Masamune disappeared and she dropped to a knee while grasping her head. He was joined quickly by Vincent. He barely noted the gunman's presence as he pulled Sephiroth to her feet. He held her steady as she tried to get whatever it was under control.

When she finally let go of her head, her eyes found those of her father. "There is somewhere we need to go. Now."

Vincent didn't bother asking for details. He had seen enough by now to know the Planet had just given her a directive. "Where?"

"I am not certain. I feel like it is somewhere I have seen before, but it is not any place I can remember going."

"Can you describe it?" Vincent had taken up position on the other side of her. He didn't touch her, but he was close enough to catch her if she fell again.

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