Is That Really What the Planet Needs?

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Sephiroth had looked around the room when they first brought him in. It was more spacious than barracks, at least. It was like a small apartment. There were two bedrooms with two beds each, a shared bathroom, and a small sitting room that was divided in half. One half held a loveseat and a chair. The other half held a small table and chairs with a kitchenette behind the table.

All things considered, it was better than what he had been expecting. There hadn't appeared to be many of these 'dorms' so he figured they were for Reeve and his other officers and not the rank and file. They probably had barracks elsewhere in the building.

One of the three that had escorted him had taken up a post inside the room. Sephiroth mostly ignored him. He could hear one of the others outside the door as well. The third had left to run some sort of errand.

While he finished his inspection of the rooms, the third guard had returned with a selection of clothes. While clothing was the last thing on Sephiroth's mind, he was thankful that someone thought about it at least. After he took the items he randomly picked one of the two bedrooms and quickly put everything away. He vaguely noticed the third guard had taken up a post outside the door as well.

When everything was put away, he wandered to the large window that took up one wall. He was pleased to note it wasn't a window but a door that led out onto a small balcony. There wasn't much to see, but he was afforded a view of what looked to be a large area for residents and employees to use during downtime.

He was getting ready to turn back into the room and see if he could translate the overwhelming voices still running through his head. He was stopped by a sudden difference in the noise. The random voices dimmed to a whisper, but there was a clear voice that emerged.

Sephiroth wasn't sure if voice was the right word as nothing was spoken. It was more like an image or, better yet, a feeling that was directly implanted in his head. Once he composed himself enough to understand his head quickly turned to focus on the random buildings that lined the back fence of the compound.

The 'voice' was insisting there was something important out there, but he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. His first instinct was to head there right away. He even started towards the door before he realized walking out would not be an easy option. He was sure he could disable the guards without any severe harm, but doing so would not make a good impression.

With a low growl of frustration, he then thought about jumping off the balcony. It was only one floor down and would be less effort. When he looked back out though he realized the courtyard was full of people and having them watch him jump off a balcony, even a one-story balcony, would probably cause a panic that might be even worse to deal with.

He concluded that his only real option was to contact Reeve and get permission to investigate. It rankled, but he understood the status quo well enough. As an afterthought, he realized that Reeve would probably want to know about this development anyway.

With those thoughts in mind, he approached the guard by the door. "If I needed to speak with Reeve, what would be the best way?"

"Director Tuesti has asked not to be disturbed unless it was something important. I can assist you with almost anything." The young man had obviously been clearly instructed on how to handle their guest, but at Sephiroth's infamous glare he started to finally show signs of nervousness.

"So, if I say this is important and urgent, could we please contact him immediately?" Sephiroth had a moment of satisfaction that he was still capable of intimidating someone with just a look. He let it pass quickly. He wasn't here to scare people, and the 'voice' was emitting a sense of urgency.

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