What Makes Family?

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Chapter 14

The entire exchange had been finished so fast that none of the other members of the team had been able to interfere. Once they realized the nature of the threat, Reeve thought it might be a good idea for the five to handle it anyway. It was a decision he questioned when four of the five were downed but he hadn't been able to call in reinforcements before they had all managed to regain their feet and drive the alien back to its ship.

When the five warriors finally turned to rejoin Reeve, Cid, and Tifa, the rest of the WRO troops had made it to the side of the clearing. When they reached the group, Reeve was on his phone again. They paused and allowed him to finish. He then turned to the approaching group with a frown. "I just spoke with Barrett. He met up with Nanaki and Yuffie and they will all be traveling through the night, so they can be here by tomorrow." He paused at that and turned to Sephiroth. "You were the only one that didn't fall. What happened out there?"

Sephiroth's frown only deepened as she answered. "The planet interceded at his first attempt to touch our minds. He was blocked completely after that. Did you hear any of what was said?"

Reeve only shook his head. "A few words, but not enough to understand what was going on."

Vincent stepped up before Sephiroth could continue. "I do not know how much of what was said can be trusted. If you choose to believe it, the alien stated he was Jenova's mate."

Reeve couldn't hold back a curse at that information. "That explains why he became hostile." He then turned to Sephiroth again. "That might also explain why you felt so much sadness along with the fear from the planet. None of us ever thought about this being a possibility but the planet had to have been able to find out through the time that Jenova was here that something like that was a possibility." His eyes scanned the rest of the group again before continuing. "I already have a team watching what the ship is doing but we need to think about the possibility of an invasion. The larger ship may contain an unknown number of aliens and we need to prepare for it."

Sephiroth could only nod. He was still trying to assimilate everything that was said. For some reason he had the feeling that despite the aggression, or because of it, the alien was telling the truth. He knew the planet seemed to think so, although that fact didn't seem to ease the fear. Having dealt with Cloud he knew how much losing something important could motivate a person. Even though they were dealing with an alien, the being seemed capable of emotions similar to what they all had. It was even more probable given his reaction to the news of Jenova's, no Evolet's, death.

Sephiroth's thoughts on the matter were interrupted by a ranting Weiss. "I don't care if they bring a hundred of those assholes. I have had enough of people fucking around in my head! Why don't we just find a way to blow the whole thing up before they get the chance to return!?"

Sephiroth wasn't surprised at the outburst, as he completely understood the motivation, even if the suggestion was ill thought out. He was glad to see that Weiss was no longer planning on fighting them, even if it was because they now had a common enemy and not because he felt they were right. He knew it was never that easy though. "There are several things wrong with that statement, the first and most important is that we currently don't have the means to make it happen." He turned to Reeve after that. "I would also suggest caution before outright hostility. It is possible that the male we encountered will be acting alone. We can prepare for a full-scale invasion but don't forget the fact that his hostility was most probably an act of vengeance. If that is the case, then it may be possible not all of his race will be willing to join him."

All conversation stopped at that. Vincent was the first to speak up. "You are convinced the alien was telling the truth?"

Sephiroth gave him a nod. "Yes, the planet is clearly emitting the fact that it has been expecting this and believes him to be the mate of the calamity."

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