Both Genesis and Rufus gave her shocked looks. Genesis' quickly turned contemplative. Finally, he nodded. "I had not thought of that, but you are correct. Angeal is a natural teacher. If he were offered the opportunity, he might be interested." He paused and gave Rufus a hard look at that point. "However, do not expect him to be interested in working directly for you. We have all been through far too much to accept that easily, even if you have changed."

Rufus inclined his head slightly before he stood. His face was back to his normal impassive mask, although there was a hint of something like hope in his eyes. "I would be grateful if you would talk to Angeal when we get back. I look forward to hearing his answer."

At that point, he turned and headed back to the window. Sephiroth raised a brow at his retreating form and shared a glance with Genesis. She didn't have to touch him to know that his thoughts were mirroring her own. They both realized they might have been too harsh with the man. If they could learn from their mistakes and try to move past them, then why would Rufus be any different? Even if he was a Shinra.

Both Genesis and Sephiroth took turns sleeping after several hours. They knew they would all need to be in top condition when they were faced with the rest of the aliens. Especially since no one knew what to expect. Even Rufus decided to sleep for a short while before they arrived. For the most part, it was silent between them.

When Zatier finally returned to let them know they would be there within the hour, they thanked him and gathered at the small table. Their host left them to presumably do whatever was needed to land safely. Once they were all seated, Sephiroth was the first to speak. "Given the fact that we have already determined that their race is just as capable of violence as humanity, we cannot rule out the possibility of being attacked. I doubt that Zilan's family will let it happen without comment after what we have done, but they are only a handful. We also don't know how many we will be facing, but it could become problematic." She turned to Rufus at that point. "It would be best if you stay behind us until you need to speak. I understand that you are not helpless, but given who we will be facing, it would be best if the three of us are the first to encounter any problems."

Rufus surprised them all. "I understand and agree. I am sure we will all have an opportunity to speak, but given all the unknowns, I will leave security in your hands."

Once that was settled, the conversation turned to things they might face, including problems with communication. It continued until Zatier finally returned to let them know they had arrived. All four of them stood and faced the male. He tried to give them a reassuring look before he spoke. "I know this cannot be easy for any of you given our reactions. I will reiterate the fact that we will not allow harm to come to any of you. Your goodwill will not be spurned."

Sephiroth gave him a nod of acceptance and followed him toward the exit. Cloud and Genesis fell into step behind her and Rufus brought up the rear. When they made their way off the ship, Sephiroth stopped and stared. None of the rest of their group reacted any better. The room they found themselves in could hardly qualify for the name. There were hundreds of ships like the one they had arrived in. The ceiling could barely be seen as platforms extended up as well as to each side.

Their attention was drawn from their amazing surroundings by the sound of voices. They found a large group of aliens walking toward them from an exit they hadn't noticed yet. When they finally arrived and stopped in front of them, Sephiroth was surprised to see Evarin at the head of the group. The male stepped away from the rest and gave her a nod in acknowledgment. "Welcome to our home." He waved to the gathered group behind him. "These are the other clan heads. We were led to believe there was something you wished to speak with us all about? If so, we will hear you out before it is presented to our clans."

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