Dean --- Basketball/Request

Start from the beginning

"Do you guys know what we're hunting?" I continued. "Wow, 'we'?" The handsome guy asked. "Yeah, 'we'. I am a hunter too and this thing killed my parents, so don't even think about leaving me out of this hunt." I snapped. The guy with the long hair quickly came in between. "We think we're hunting a Grigori." He said. "A Grigori? Aren't those things supposed to be extinct?" I asked.

"They are.  But I guess that there are still a few left." The handsome guy said. "Okay, it also would be handy to have your names." I smiled. "Right, I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. And the angel is named Castiel." Sam introduced them, and somehow, the names rang a bell. "Wait, Sam and  Dean, as in Winchester?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Huh, I met your dad when I was younger. Clever guy." I smiled.

"If you want to get revenge on this thing, lets get back to our motel." Dean said and walked towards an Chevy Impala. "Nice car." I smiled. Dean smirked cockily and got in the drivers seat. Sam took shotgun and me and Castiel shared the back seat.

"So, how is life as an angel?" I asked Castiel. "Painful." Castiel replied blankly. "Oh." Was my only reply. "But when you with the Winchesters, life must be very exiting." I said. "It is, but it can be very hard sometimes." He replied. "A hunter's life is hard." I agreed. "But you must have some kind of hobby, or something like that." I stated. "I don't really have one, but Sam and Dean do. Especially Dean. He really likes basketball." My head perked up. "He also really admires you." Castiel whispered. I giggled and I met Dean's eyes in the rear-view mirror.

I shot him a wink and I saw his eyes shoot back towards the road. I chuckled and looked back towards Castiel, who had his head tilted to the side and a confused expression on his face. I love how clueless angels could be.

We arrived at a worn down motel and the 3 men led me to their room. We stepped into the room and the room was a mess. Well, one side was. Sam and Dean sat at the small table, which was placed under the window. Castiel just stood in a corner and I sat on one of the beds. We started our research and concluded that the Grigori was probably hiding in a warehouse near the edge of the village.

After deciding that we wanted to surprise it, we left not long after we had packed our stuff. I had gotten an angel blade from Castiel and we were now on our way to slay the mother fucker. We stopped outside the warehouse and watched it for a little bit. "Are you sure this is the place?" I asked. "Yes, I can sense him." Castiel replied. I nodded and got out of the car.

I opened the trunk and got my stuff. I stuck my angel blade and my angel gun in my special designed belt. "Wow, where did you get that?" Dean asked, pointing at my belt. "My mother made it for me, that way we could carry more weapons with us." I smiled. After I was done getting my stuff, I let the boys get their stuff and we walked towards the entrance of the warehouse.

"What's the plan?" I asked. "We don't really have one." Sam replied. "Well, that's great." I hissed. We snuck into the warehouse and there seemed to be no one. We checked the halls and rooms, but there was no one. "Guess we got the wrong warehouse." I said as we regrouped at the entrance. "No, you didn't." Somebody said. A skinny, blond girl stepped out of the shadows.

She smiled sweetly, but we all knew she was the complete opposite. She sniffed the air and smiled wickedly. "You're the daughter of those two hunters, aren't you?" She asked me. "Yeah, and you're going to pay for that, you bitch." I sneered. "Oh, feisty." She chuckled. Anger pulsed through my veins and I threw myself at her, angel blade in hand.

I took a couple of good swings, but she dodged them all. She kicked me back and Sam and Dean covered me. The fight went on for a several minutes, until me, Sam and Dean were all on the ground. "Humans are so weak." The Grigori laughed. "But angels aren't." Someone said. That someone was Castiel. He had teleported behind the Grigori and had plunged his angel blade straight through her chest. A bright light came out of the Grigori's mouth and eyes and she dropped to the ground, dead. 

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