Chapter 23: Murder Of All

Start from the beginning

The doctor began to look at my arms and legs. My legs had the most bruising. As he looked at my bruising, he tried his fingers over them. I winced when he pressed down.

"Is there any more bruising except on your legs and arms?" The doctor asked.

"My stomach and rib area hurts badly. When I woke up earlier, I saw bruises all over." I said before pulling up the shirt that I had on. When I pulled up my shirt, I reviewed a bunch of bruises. Some were purple and some were yellow.

" Megan, if you don't mind me asking. What happened?" The doctor asked me.

I looked over towards Xander. I wasn't sure whether or not if he wanted me to answer. Maybe he wants me to keep this a secret.

Before I could say anything Xander opened his mouth and spoke.

"Things just got out of hand. Just see what's wrong with her. And if she has any issues." Xander said.

" I need to know exactly what happened, I need to know in what areas I should look at. I especially need to know what areas have the most damage." The doctor said looking at Xander.

Before Xander could say anything, his phone went off. Xander pulled out his phone from his pocket and looked at it.

"I'll be back," Xander said before walking out of the room.

"So Megan, are you gonna tell me really what happened? I need to know, I want to help you." The doctor asked me. I nodded.

"Earlier last night, I and Xander got into it. Xander ended up hitting me multiple times, then knocking me unconscious. After knocking me unconscious he ended up raping me. And when I ended up waking up I saw all of the scars and bruises on me. That's all I know. He could've done more damage to me while I was asleep" I told him.

The doctor sighed and sit up from his chair. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Megan. I've never seen anything like this before. I know Xander has lost control many times, but I've never seen it this bad. I've never known him to rape somebody before." The doctor explained.

"I guess I just must be special then," I said rolling my eyes. "Look, Megan, I know this may seem so hard to believe. But I think Xander likes you. I know that he has done some unspeakable things to you. I know he has. And you truly don't deserve it. You're such a young girl. I wish I could help you." The doctor said.

"Nobody can help me. I just can believe he did that. I knew he would beat me, but rape? That's' insane. He's a fucking monster. I wish I was dead." I told the doctor.


I admitted my feelings.

I told myself a while ago, that I could do this. I would and will survive this terrible monster, but after what Xander has put me through, I don't see life as something I want anymore. I just need it all to end.

"I'm sorry Megan. I didn't mean to make you want to end your life." Xander said as he entered the room. My eyes went from the floor to Xander. He looked upset.

His voice was broken. "But Megan, don't fuck with me again," Xander said before leaving.

I lowed my head and I began to cry once again. "He's such a monster. Why does he act like that?"I asked the doctor.

"He has a dark past, nobody speaks about it though. It's sorta like yours. His parents are gone, he was left all alone. Alone and confused. I'll tell you if you want? It might help you understand him a bit better." The doctor offered. "Yes, please. I'll take anything I can get." I told him.

"As you know, Xander is only 19. He's pretty young to be doing what he does. So that also does take a toll on him. He lies to many people about his family, and not many people know the truth, but I was here a long time ago. I knew his parents. I knew his siblings. Even though he admits he doesn't have any."

"His parents were nothing like him. His father Sean was akind man and only killed people who threaten his family or business. His mother Penny was the sweetest woman ever. She hated what her husband did, but loved him with all her heart. They ended up having 3 children together."

"Violet, Drew, and Xander. As they grew up, they started to notice that Xander was so different from everybody else, he was much more violent and craved the taste of blood, his parents feared what he would be like once he found out that he wasn't taking over. They thought that he would kill Drew. Xander was a weird child, he did mess up things to get what he wanted."

"Now when Xander was 12, Drew was 16, and Violet was 19, an accident happened. Xander's parents were killed in a car crash, which left the siblings all alone. A few months later Drew took over as king of the drugs and started to run the family business, if that's what you would call it, but Xander wasn't happy at all taking orders from his brother. So he deiced to eliminate him. Xander went into his brother's bedroom and shot him 19 times. Then killed his sister after she tried to shoot him."

"Oh my god, he's awful." I said shocked at what I was hearing.

"I guess for some reason Xander had this little demon inside of him that wouldn't let his other siblings be successful, and I feel so bad for his future children." The doctor said.

"Future children?" I questioned.

"Xander will have to have children with a wife. The child will then take over his empire. I just don't know if that child will survive, I know Xander needs one. But I'm not sure if he can handle another person coming for his throne. I also don't know if it will survive 18 years with him. Clearly, Xander has a temper." He said looking at me.

"God helps that child," I said.

"Not even God would be able to help that child. He couldn't help Xander's siblings."

"But they were his siblings, a child is different. Do you think that he might be different from it?" I asked the doctor.

The doctor shrugged. "He hasn't gotten anybody pregnant yet, so we don't know." The doctor said.

I nodded.

"Now, let's fix you up." The doctor said before standing up and grabbing a few things.

Any new thoughts on Xander? This chapter will be important later on so don't forget!

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