Chapter 16

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"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Jasper asks as we head to the front door of Daphne's home.

"Jasper, I know that I never wanted to see them again, but things aren't adding up. I don't want my aunt to have to go through all the trouble of getting custody of Daphne and then have to deal with the guilt that we just ripped Daphne away from the only man that loved her." He stops me and turns to face me. He moves his other hand and holds my chin in his fingers.

"Hey, it's okay. I get it. Sometimes I would want to know why my father did what he did, I just don't want to see you hurt. Lia, I love you so much. Just don't hurt yourself to get answers." He leans down and gives me a peck on the lips. I look up at his eyes as he presses his forehead against mine.

"I'll be okay, I promise." He turns on his heel and we head towards the door. Daphne didn't want to be here, so she made sure that only Christian is home. I ring the doorbell and I hear a muffled 'I'm coming.' The door opens and Dad stands there.

"Ophelia," he says stunned, "And someone that I don't know."

"Christian, can we please come in?" I ask. I don't want to call him Dad. He doesn't deserve that title right now.

"Um, I guess." He moves and we walk past him into the house. Jasper moves behind me, letting me hold my own.

"Daphne isn't here." This is the awkwardest moment of my life. But, I have one question, why would he let me see Daphne? He didn't act like the parenting type when I saw him last. He lunged at me for God's sake.

"I know. She is with Aunt Maria." When I saw that, he takes a deep breath and looks up at me.

"Lia, I never-" He begins.

"Look, I don't want to hear some sob story or anything. I have dealt with that all my life. I just want answers. Because if what I think happened happened, then I am going to do everything that I can to protect my sister and make sure that she can grow up somewhere that she is loved." Christian looks down in disappointment. He knows how much his actions affected everyone, but he had no choice.

"No, I get it. Me and you want the same thing and I wish I could go back and do the same thing with you. Your mother is a vile human. I don't understand how she could just leave you. That was the last thing that I wanted to do."

"I really don't care what you wanted to do with me. What did my mother do? That is what I want to know."

"Look, it is a really long story that I don't want to get into. If you could just trust me-"

"Trust you?" I grab Jasper's hand and pull him towards the door with me. I turn towards Christian again.

"Trust is the last thing that I will ever give you." Jasper puts a hand on my lower back and leads me out of the front door.

"Lia, wait," he says chasing after me.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, stopping and turning back to him.

"I just want you to trust me!"

"You left me alone at 10-years-old! What would you expect me to do! Welcome you in with loving arms. I came here to see what I needed to protect my teenage sister from." I turn on my heel and I start to walk towards the car, where Jasper is waiting.

"She killed her parents, alright. I am the only person that knows that and she has been dangling it over my head since you were born. She's a psychopath and I have been protecting you from that."

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

Jasper perks his head up and looks at me, as the expression on my face changes. I close my eyes tight for a second holding my tears in. I turn back around.

Live, Laugh, Love [COMPLETE/PUBLISHED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant