Chapter 9

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"Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked while crying softly.

"Practice finished early, and I saw you frozen in the rain, so I came," he stated emotionless.

"Thank you," She said. "For- uh... the sweater,"

"Don't mention it," he said and started walking away. Hermione looked up.

"Wait," She said and Malfoy turned around.

"What?" He asked.

"I have your Slytherin robe. You forgot it in the dungeons the other day," She said.

"Oh, right. It's okay, I have many. Just keep it," said he and Hermione stood up from the bleachers.

"I think I'm just going to walk back to the castle with you. It is getting very cold."

He waited for Hermione, and they started walking together. Hermione was still upset, but wasn't crying anymore. Something about Draco's pretense made her feel more calm.

"So what was all that about? With Weasley?" Malfoy asked.

"It's none of your business. Not like you care anyway." Hermione said back dryly.

"If I didn't care, why would I be asking?" He wondered sarcastically but seriously. With a look that Hermione didn't know how to interpret.

"I guess that makes sense. We just broke up," she said incredibly calm.

"Oh that's bonkers. I'm sorry," Malfoy responded without making eye contact.

"It's okay," she said. "And you know what? It actually is okay. Ron and I's relationship was not what it used to be anyway,"

"The weasel is rubbish," he said flatly.

"Rude," Hermione giggled.

"Why is that funny?" Malfoy wondered.

"Because he says the same thing about you all the time," she explained and he smiled.

"Not surprised," and then Malfoy checked his watch. "Dang we just missed supper,"

"Is it really that late?" Hermione asked shocked.


"Now what in Merlin's beard am I going to eat? I'm incredibly hungry," she admitted.

"We could go eat somewhere," Draco proposed.

"Where? We can't go to Hogsmeade today,"

"Who said we couldn't? I know the way through Potter's passages," he smirked.

"But- What if- if"

"I don't care if you come or not, I'll be going anyway. I'm not planning to go to sleep hungry,"


"Okay, I'll go," Hermione agreed.

They quietly sneaked into the castle. Everything was silent and dark.

"It can't be that late," said Hermione.

"It's not too late, but students usually go to their common rooms for a good hour or two after eating dinner," Malfoy said.

"Of course you would know. You probably sneak out of where you are supposed to be all the time," said Hermione, trying to figure out where Draco went at night and who he was talking to after their tutor session,

"That is true," Malfoy giggled but said nothing else.

They kept walking in silence as they tip towed past teachers and in they went into the secret passage.

"Lumos!" Said Hermione and Malfoy in unison and started walking the cold passage.

"So where do you even go at night?" Hermione asked innocently.

"I can't tell you," he said flatly.

"Why not? It can't be something that bad."

But he didn't say anything else. Hermione hadn't given up yet, so she kept talking about the matter.

"You know... I saw you talking to someone about an hour after our tutoring session," she started.

Malfoy's face turned into shock.

"Who?" He asked rapidly and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"I couldn't get a good glance," Said she. "Anyhow... it did look like you both were in a quite a hurry,"

Malfoy nervously chuckled. "Yes, I think we were in a hurry,"


"It's complicated,"

"We've got plenty of time," Hermione started.

"It's not that. I can't tell you, Hermione, and you won't get it out of me easily." He said seriously. "Who told you to ask about the matter? Weasley? Potter?"

Hermione knew it wasn't going to be easy to figure it out, so she kept playing innocent.

"No one, just myself." Said she.

"Uh huh," he said with great sarcasm and kept walking.

Hermione rolled her eyes and decided to keep quiet.

"How much longer?" Asked She.

"Enough to keep us walking," Said Malfoy, dryly. His mood had changed since Hermione asked the question and she knew it.

Did I mess this up? She asked herself.

The passage felt eternal, and it kept getting colder and colder and quieter and quieter.

"We're almost there," Said Malfoy cutting the silence.

"Okay," Said she. "Look, don't be mad at me I was just asking a question,"

"I'm not. I just wanted silence while we walked." Said he. "But I can't tell you what goes on in my life apart from my classes. You're only my tutor after all."

And Hermione sighed. "That's right. I'm only your tutor."


Merry Christmas everybody!
I hope you had great holidays and that you enjoyed this chapter.
Anyway, comment and vote if you want! I'll appreciate it greatly.
Have a good rest of your day!


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