Chapter 17

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Hermione was sitting on her bed. It was the middle of the afternoon but she did not have the energy or enthusiasm to do anything.

She had not seen Malfoy or heard from him in a while.

What in Merlin's wand could he possibly be doing? She thought

It's not like he overstudies or even hangs out with Zabini cause I just saw him.
Quidditch practice was cancelled because of bad weather.
He claimed he wanted to see me, but why hasn't he contacted me?

An owl flew inside the dormitory from the window. It was Draco's owl.


I have to go somewhere and take care of some business.

I'll be back in Hogwarts soon.

Don't worry about me, I'm not going alone.

Stay safe,


She read the letter 3 times. Why was he so vague with words? She wondered.

"I'm going somewhere... I'm not going alone..."

Why can't he just tell me where or at least who he's been seeing?
Her head spun.
Nothing made sense. She debated for 20 minutes whether or not she should tell Harry, but she decided not to. It's not like she had much information anyway.


"Fly faster!" Draco yelled at his mate. "The weather will get tougher and we won't make it in time!"

"I'm coming, Draco. Stop yelling," the mysterious person said. "It should take us less than an hour to arrive to the hill."

They both kept flying as fast as they could even if the weather made it almost impossible to see; and moments later, they had arrived to their destination.

"So this is where you've been hiding before getting to Hogwarts," Draco stated and the person nodded. "You can even see Azcaban from afar..."

As they settled in and warmed off, a third individual apparated into view.

"Cheerio!" He smiled.

"Profesor Harrison? I didn't know you were coming..." Draco mumbled, for he was not a fan of profesor Harrison. He found him rather irritating.

"Hello, George," Said the third individual.

"Severus Snape! Hi, mate! How does it feel to be the mysterious individual that no one knows came back from the dead?"

"Why do you always have to ask me the same question every time you see me, George? I've told you a million times I did not suffer death. I swallowed a resurrection potion that took me over 3 months of hard work exactly 4:32 minutes after Voldemort nearly killed me, and then I ran away and hid here for months."

"Yes, Snape. Very smart, very smart," Harrison said with a smile even though he has heard the story nearly a thousand times.

"Why couldn't we just apparate like Harrison instead of using brooms?" Draco asked. It was all he really cared about.
Since he has spent so much time with Snape, he is used to the fact that he was the second individual in history that survived Voldemort's Avada Kedavra.

"It's unsafe," Severus responded dryly and Harrison laughed. "Draco we want to teach you how to be an animagus."

Draco nodded.

"Harrison, are you an animagus? Is that why you're here?" He wondered.

"A fox, yes," George nodded. "And since me and my buddy Snape are good with potions and transfiguration, we shall teach you how to be one. Becoming an animagus will make you more difficult to recognize when the battle comes, and will keep you safer."

"Alright then," Draco said without protesting, because the idea of becoming an animagus was rather intriguing.

After they rested for about an hour and ate, Severus called Draco outside.

"Draco, son, this is a long and dangerous process. Many things might go wrong. But if it works accordingly, it will keep you safe from our enemies and I believe it's worth it. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Severus said seriously

"Thank you, Snape. I know you'll guide me through the right path," Draco said and hugged him. "I trust you."

Therefore, they started the process. Since Snape had been hidden for so long, he was able to collect everything they needed to succeed.

Firstly, Draco needed to place a Mandrake leaf inside his mouth until the next full moon. Severus handed him the leaf, gave him instructions, and Draco followed accordingly.

Meanwhile, the second step to becoming an animagus is to add a silver teaspoon of dew from a place neither sunlight nor human feet have touched for full seven days. After that week, they have to add chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth to the crystal phial. Then, the mixture shall be placed in a dark, quiet place until the next electrical storm.

Harrison grabbed the teaspoon of dew which shall be checked in 7 days, and then met the others inside the small cabin.

"I wonder what Hermione will think if I'm gone for so long. She might think I'm dead." Draco said nervously when they were all getting ready for sleep.

"Everything will be okay," Snape said as monotone as ever, but seemed surprisingly optimistic. "Don't be nervous, Draco."

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