Chapter 2

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After the feast, Hermione decided to walk around the castle alone so she could think. She also wanted to check out how the library looked like now.

He looked so worried. She thought.
Why would he come back to Hogwarts?
Could Ron be right?
Did he actually come to cause some more trouble?

Hermione, stop. Draco Malfoy is none of your business.

Stop thinking about him.

She walked, and walked, and it was late by now.
Hermione didn't know where she was standing (because she had walked while looking at her feet and nothing else) and no one was around to help her.
She feared that Filch, the caretaker, would find her wandering around this late at night.

Then she heard footsteps and started running as quietly as she could.
Hermione you have to go back to the Gryffindor house.
She then recognized where she was standing. Right in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

The footsteps started fading away, and Hermione now started walking peacefully, until she bumped into something.

No, not something. She had bumped into someone.

"Granger?" A cold voice said and Hermione looked up.

"M-Malfoy? What are you doing here?" She asked back, surprised, moving away from Draco's chest.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," he replied.

"I was- er.... walking,"

"Clearly," Draco responded, letting out a chuckle.

It was the first time a Hermione had seen Draco Malfoy smiling.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Draco, trying to sound intimidating.

"It's none of your business," he replied. "You should better get back to your house before Filch sees you,"

Hermione nodded and started walking back without turning around.
When she arrived to the Gryffindor Common Room, it was nearly empty, but she spotted a read-headed boy crying quietly in a corner.

"Hey," She said, sitting next to him.

"Hermione," he whispered and kissed her lips gently.

Hermione wiped Ron's tears and hugged him tightly, which made Ron feel secure.

"I miss Fred," he said softly and looked into Hermione's hazel eyes. "You have no idea how much I miss him,"

Hermione looked back at him sadly, and tears started leaving her own eyes. "I miss him too, Ron. But I can't imagine how you are feeling..."

Ron sighed and covered his face with his hands. "He didn't deserve to die!" He protested weakly.

"I know, Ron. He didn't. Many people left us that one night, and nothing has been the same for us wizards, but they all sacrificed themselves to make the world a better place. They didn't die in vain. No one will ever forget Fred Weasley's bravery, you hear me? He has a big spot in all of our hearts," Hermione smiled gently and Ron nodded.

"It's just that Malfoy was part of the gang that killed my brother, and seeing him walk these corridors is just- heartbreaking and not fair in the least!" He cried.

Hermione understood where he was coming from, and understood that Ron wanted to be alone.

"Goodnight Ron," She said and kissed his cheek. "See you in the morning,"

"See you," Ron replied and walked to his dormitory, which was silent. He laid in his bed and looked at Harry, who was sleeping peacefully and his lightning-shaped scar was showing.

He is very lucky to be with us. He thought.
Harry is an incredibly brave man.
He has lost so many people and manages to sleep, and smile, and study...

Harry Potter has seen the face of the person who murdered his parents multiple times, and I can't even stay together after looking at Draco Malfoy.

Ronald Weasley, you are pathetic. Ron repeated over and over again, until he drifted to sleep slowly.

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