Chapter 4

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"You look uneasy," Ginny said in the Gryffindor dormitory, late on a Tuesday night. "How come you're not studying for your charms test tomorrow?"

"Charms is rather simple..." Hermione said while brushing her hair slowly.


"But..." she started. "...Profesor Harrison told me I needed to be a transfiguration tutor every other day of the week..."

"And? Isn't that something you would love?"

"Indeed, but- I have to tutor someone rather complicated," she struggled to say.

"Who is it?" Ginny wondered. "Zabini?"

"Worse," Hermione smirked.

".... Malfoy?" She guessed.

Hermione nodded slowly. "I'm not looking forward to it,"

Ginny sat in silence. "It can't be that bad," she said after a couple minutes. "He doesn't seem that bad this year,"

"Wow," Hermione laughed. "You're brother thinks the complete opposite."

They both laughed. "Ignore Ron." Ginny said. "He can be a complete arsehole sometimes,"

Hermione smiled, and laid down in her bed. "He said he would send an owl, but he hasn't yet... maybe he forgot?"

"Maybe. But he should send one sooner or later. Just be patient."

She nodded once more, and opened a book she had in her night stand.

"I'm going to go change into my pajamas," Ginny informed and went to the bathroom.

Hermione read for a while, and then heard a noise coming from the window. She looked up, but nothing was visible.
She looked at her book again.

But she heard the noise once more. Something was definitely at her window. Even though it was cold outside, she opened it, and a brown owl is what she saw. The owl made a hooting noise, and dropped a letter at Hermione's cold hands.

"Thank you," She said quietly at the bird, and closed the window before getting colder.

The top of the letter said, and Hermione opened it.

I am free Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. If you are available at these times, don't send an owl back. If not, send me a letter with a schedule that works for you and I'll see what I can do.

D.M .

She read the letter again, and was confused on why Malfoy had sent it so late at night.
Hermione was available at these times, at those days. It was exactly what she was thinking on proposing.

Could it be a coincidence? She thought. Could Draco somehow know how my schedule works?

And interrupting her thoughts, Ginny entered the room again. "Hey there, stranger," she smiled. "What are you looking at?"

"I just got the owl from Malfoy," Hermione informed, and handed Ginny the letter.

"Does this schedule work for you?" She asked.

"It works perfectly," Hermione pointed out. "A bit odd, isn't it?"

"Don't think too much about it, Mione. It was just a coincidence, that's all." Ginny said and went to bed. "Good luck with Malfoy on Thursday," She said lastly, and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight Ginny,"

"Goodnight, Mione."

And even though the lights were off and she was supposed to sleep, Hermione couldn't help but feel rather odd about tutoring Malfoy. But it wasn't a 'scared' kind of feeling; no, some could say she was excited. Nervous, but excited.
She didn't understand why she felt goosebumps all over her body. It's probably the cold, winter breeze. She kept repeating herself.
But deep inside, when she reminded herself that she was going to see Malfoy on Thursday, she couldn't help but smile.

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