Chapter 12- What Happened

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Sara woke up. Again. She knew what had happened, an unlike last time, she wasn't afraid. She wasn't confused either. She knew she was still stuck in a world where she'd killed Ava and nearly choked her own father to death.

But her father was already dead, right? and Ava wasn't dead- she'd heard her girlfriend talking to her when she first arrived in this weird place. 

Sara noticed something about the room that she was in- there were no doors, no windows; no nothing at all in the room except for the floors and the walls. It was a long room though, almost too long for nothing at all.

There had to be a way out at the end of the long room that seemed to stretch both ways for eternity. Sara got up and tried to move towards what seemed like a hallway to her right, but as she tried to move her feet, she realized they were chained to the floor. What was ironic about this  was that the last time she'd been like this, Chloe, the evil prick had been there, taunting her. She wasn't scared then, and she most definitely isn't now

You aren't going anywhere, SSSAARRRAA 

the deep voice had come back again.

Sara thought she'd heard footsteps, but it wasn't possible. The whole time she'd been in here, there had been no other human-resembling form, except for herself. 

It was dark where Sara had been sitting. She could see light on the other side of the room, however far away that may be from her, but she could see the light. And it was very dimly lighting the part of the room that she was in.

It was the kind of thing you'd cal 'barely lit'

She thought about this as it took her mind back that one time the legends had been putting on a play-show for one of their adventures in another time. Ava had been telling the team to, "get lit" so that lighting for the show would make them look better. And Mick had taken that statement seriously, since he was a fire guy. 

Sara started to laugh, but as she began to, she felt a choking sensation come through her. 

Laughter is dangerous, Sara. Remember what happened last time? 

Sara remembered, painfully. The memory flashed through her head like a knife through her chest. It had been the night of Nyssa's death. She and Earth-2 Oliver had been out fighting, Felicity on the comms. They hadn't known at the time that Felicity was grieving, since the parallel earth Oliver had seemed to have brought Felicity so much joy back into her life.

Sara had been distracted the past few days, trying to drink away her sorrows of what had happened to Earth-1 Oliver. She'd known her own alcohol limitations of course, and she'd drunk way past it. 

Being in the League of Assassins, however allowed her to maintain fighting ready despite her lack of awareness around her.  When the team had been called that night, Sara had already been drinking for three days nonstop. The cycle had been the same every day. Nyssa had been there, of course, trying to get Sara off the alcohol. She'd been unable to, finding the bottles Nyssa hid from her, and continuing to drink through the days and nights. 

Still, despite being told to stand down and stay back by Nyssa, she disobeyed the orders and proceeded to go to the gathering point where everyone was. When the fight had begun unexpectedly, she'd gotten angry. Angry that the fight had started without her being ready. She whined, complained- All things she would never have done had she not been drunk out of her mind. 

She nearly died three times that night had it not been for Laurel and Nyssa jumping in and saving her. But when Felicity entered the scene after it had seemingly been all over, and walked over to the unsuspecting group, Sara had seen her.

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