9.) Subaru is Ruthless When it Comes to Blood

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Ame woke, again. It honestly felt like a normal to just pass out the previous night and wake up just in time for school to start. Only the place that Ame is at the moment won't allow him to do so.

He sighed and looked around, before a gurgling feeling erupted in his stomach and back of the throat. Nausea swarmed his body as he shuddered before running to the bathroom and throwing up nothing but stomach acid. His throat closed on him as well, making him feel choked and extremely thirsty.

Ame was high.

He cursed and wobbled his way to his dresser, which held the test kit. He grabbed it and quickly did the procedure, then anxiously waited as it counted from five.


Curse it.

If the kit's highest number to identify was five hundred, then he's definitely over that! He grabbed the two shots from his satchel and immediately cranked the end of his fast acting insulin to ten, then continued to inject it. Next, he clicked back his daily amount of long acting insulin and injected that too, but in a different spot.

He sighed and paced the floor for a bit while his jittery mind calmed, then went to the kitchen for a drink of water. The thought was obvious: keytones. Yet he couldn't quite tell if he actually had them unless he peed. So he drank cup after cup until it hit him.

"What are you doing?"

Ame spluttered on his water, and some caught in his throat. He coughed until it cleared, then turned to the unknown babysitter for today.

It was the albino boy who's name Ame finally remembered: Subaru. He looked confused, yet angry for some reason. Maybe it was all the water?

"I-I was... a bit thirsty?" It came out as a questioning answer, afraid of the reaction to come.

Subaru glanced at the half empty pitcher and a scowl covered his face. "Must be extremely thirsty to drink half the jug. Finish it for all I care." The scowling man shoved his hands into his pockets and marched off.

Once he left the room, Ame sighed and looked at the water, no longer interested in drinking it. He walked the pitcher to the refrigerator and gently set it where he found it. Then the already ingested water hit, and he used the restroom while checking for keytones.

He had small keytones, which wasn't too bad, but worse than negative. He grabbed the fast acting pen and gave himself two units, then called it okay.

For the next two hours, he constantly checked to make sure his blood sugar levels came down, and they did. During those hours, he found a book while trespassing into Reiji's room once again, and decided to settle on a couch to read it.

The book was about the molecular structure of a flower, and Ame didn't get a single thing. He just enjoyed flipping through the complex pages to look at the weird pictures of flowers.

He pricked himself once more, and was about to put it on the strip when a bone crushing grip caught his wrist. He squeaked in surprise and turned to see a seething albino once again. His eyes were a darker red than usual, and his fangs were enlongated.

Ame wriggled his hand a bit to try and set it free, but the grip on it only tightened.

"Why are you doing that?" Subaru didn't know why Ame did such ridiculous things like poking himself willingly, but the blood he's constantly smelling is driving himself insane. He decided to voice that statement, and sent yet another glare to the younger.

"I-I didn't take my nightly insulin, so I woke up high." Ame tried to explain. "But my blood sugar is better now, so I won't check myself as much."

Subaru gave a suspicious glance towards the tiny drop of blood. "High? You're not a drug addict, are you?"

"If I said yes, would you let me go back to the Mukamis?"

Subaru stiffened at the attempt, or accidental attempt at humor. Then, very slowly, a smile adorned his face as he laugh-coughed at Ame's plea. He dropped his deathly grip and let Ame rub his bruised wrist.

"I'd let you. There's already a stupid Komori in the house, I don't need another." Ame sighed in releif, but tensed again as Subaru clasped a hand around his wrist again, but gently this time.

Subaru licked the blood droplet, and suddenly his throat dried and begged for more of the delicious substance. He looked into Ame's shocked eyes as he pulled the boy closer. The book Ame had been reading dropped to the floor from it's perch and made a small thump.

Subaru glanced at it and laughed again. "Reiji's gonna kill you for touching his stuff." Ame stiffened, but relaxed again as his attention was brought to the albino pulling his shirt off his left shoulder.

Without warning, (or prep) Subaru aggressively bit into his shoulder. Ame let out a tiny scream, but was muffled when the vampire put a hand over his mouth and sucked harder from his shoulder.

Nobody has been this agressive, and it hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. He whimpered into the hand clasped over his mouth and silently begged that Subaru would stop soon, or at least before he passed out.

Subare did stop, leaving Ame halfway conscious. He wiped the blood dripping from his lips and disappeared into thin air. The puncture wounds started pouring blood from them, and Ame scowled as he put his hand over the wounds to make an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Stupid vampire.

Ame could tell his blood sugar dropped a significant amount, and it made him cry a silent cry.

Stupid vampires!

He braced himself on jello legs and grasped on any near object to brace himself, but it didn't work, and he dropped to the floor. He felt too weak to stand, yet nobody was around to help him to the kitchen.

It was an extreme struggle, but Ame made it to the kitchen. His sight was flickering in and out, yet he pushed himself forward to the fridge. He couldn't pass out! It could lead to his demise if he passed out, and dying from a low blood sugar was not on Ame's bucket list.

Sure he was overreacting, but it's better than shoving his diabetes in a bag and forgetting he ever had it.

The fridge didn't hold much, but Ame found a stash of cranberry juice boxes in there. He pulled out a box and took his bloodied hand away from his shoulder to try and put the straw through the hole, which wasn't breaking, so he couldn't get the straw in! Ame let out an angry sob before forcefully shoving the straw into the juice box.

It bent and a hole formed in the straw, but at least it was in the carton. Ame cried in releif and sucked on the straw like a baby animal would drink liquid for the first time. The juice came up in bubbles because of the straw, but Ame still emptied the box in no time.

He sat against the fridge for a while, just cupping his bloody shoulder and allowing the sugar to do its job and kick into his system. It did have enough carbs, right? Ame scowled at his worrying thoughts, but picked up the juice box anyways and checked the Nutrition Info. Yes, it had enough carbs. Thirty carbs, to be matter-of-factly.

Once the sugar acted in, he gained about half of his energy and struggled from his sitting position. He- once again- limped throughout the hallways, and made his way to his bathroom, which had an emergency kit inside the cabinet.

Ame stripped from his bloodied shirt, and wet a wash cloth to wipe up all the excess blood. Once that was done, he studied the wide wounds, then dabbed some hydrogen peroxide onto the holes, which immediately fizzed up while catching the unwanted bacteria that could possibly leave an infection. He grabbed a gauze pad and cleaned up the extra foam and blood, then grabbed a large bandaid and gently placed it over the wounds.

Finally. Sweet releif.

Sleepiness overwhelmed Ame, and he stumbled over to his bed. He plopped down face first, and didn't have time to adjust himself before he passed out. But an enormous burp left his mouth before doing so. Interesting air, I'll tell ya'!

Merry belated Christmas! ❤💚❤

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