Descendants Into The Courtyard Part 1

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Duan Yu hugged Mu Wanqing to his bosom, feeling both happy and concerned, he asked, "Miss Mu, how is your injury? Did that evil person bully you?" Mu Wanqing said angrily, "Who am I to you? Still calling me Miss Mu?"

Seeing Mu Wanqing angry, yet prettier at the same time; this seven days he had missed her really badly; he tightened his arms and said gently, "Sister Wan! Sister Wan! Can I call you that?" lowering his head at the same time and kissed her. Mu Wanqing exclaimed, "Ah!" blushed deeply and jumped up saying "There are other people here! How could do that? Aye, where are those people?" looking around, realised that Chu, Gu, Fu, Zhu these four people were gone; Zuo Zi Mu had left with his son, leaving not a single person in their surroundings.

Duan Yu asked, "Who else is here? Is it Divine Croc?" looking frightened. Mu Wanqing asked, "How long have you been here?" Duan Yu replied, "Only for a while. I came up this peak." Mu Wanqing said, "Ok..."mumbling, "This is strange. How come everyone just disappeared in an instant? Suddenly, someone behind a rock recited, "Moving thousands of miles with a sword, daring to speak..." during the reciting, a person came out; it was one of the four royal guards Zhu Dan Chen. Duan Yu said happily, "Brother Zhu!" Zhu Dan Chen walked two steps in front, bowed and replied happily "Young master, luckily you are safe and well, just now what the young lady said made us so anxious!" Duan Yu made a polite hand gesture and said, "So all of you have met? Why are here? This is too coincidental."

Zhu Dan Chen replied with a smile, "The four of us were ordered to escort young master home, it was not a coincidence. Young master, you are so daring to wander alone in the martial arts world. We went to Ma Wu De's home to find you and also rushed to Mt. No Measure. These few days all of us have been worried enough. Duan Yu replied with a laugh, "I went through quite a lot of suffering too. Uncle and father must be really angry, right?" Zhu Dan Chen replied, "They are of course not very happy. But when we left the two masters' anger had been appeased and they have missed you greatly these few days. After Marquis Shan Chan found out that the four evil ones were coming to Dali, he became worried that young master will bump into them, thus he personally rushed out."

Duan yu said, "Uncle Gao is finding me too? How can I not feel bad? Where is he?" Zhu Dan Chen replied, "Just now we were all here. Lord Gao chased away an evil woman, heard young master's cries, heaved a sigh of relief and then he ordered me to wait here for young master. Then they went to chase after the evil woman. Young master, let's go back home, so that the two masters will not be too worried. Duan Yu said, "So were here all along?" thinking about how his intimate actions with Mu Wanqing had been seen and heard by him, leading him to blush in embarrassment.

Zhu Dan Chen said, 'Just now I was sitting behind the rock reading Wang Chang Ling's poetry collection, his wu jue "Moving thousands of miles with a sword, daring to speak....Once a man of honour, not breaking his promises..."in these simple twenty words which are unconventional and very worthy of admiration." and took out a book; it was "Wang Chang Ling's poetry collection". Duan Yu nodded and replied, 'Wang Chang Ling's speciality is qi jue, not wu jue. But this literary piece is of high quality. Isn't his other piece: "song guo si cang" even better?' he then recited "Reflection of the door in the green water, leaving the heart of the master. The bright moon..., the deep spring night." Zhu Dan Chen bowed again and said "Thank you young master." using the poetry lines to change the topic. He used those lines to say that he will, like the others repay young master in death. Duan Yu used those lines to say that as master, he is devoted to his subordinates and will treat them as good friends. Looking at each other, the two of them smiled.

Mu Wanqing did not know poetry and thought "This bookworm has forgotten where he is, he gets so interested once he talks about poetry. This military officer sure knows how to flatter people by bringing a book with him. She did not know that Zhu Dan Chen was of both literary and military capacity and usually read books of poetry.

Duan Yu turned and said, "Miss Mu...Mu, this is Zhu Dan Chen, 4th brother Zhu, my good friend." Zhu dan chen bowed with respect and said, "Greetings, Miss Mu."
Mu Wanqing returned the greeting and seeing him treat her with respect, was overjoyed and said, "4th brother Zhu."

Zhu Dan Chen said with a laugh, "I do not dare to be called that." thinking "This young lady is really pretty, just now when she slapped young master, she had been so agile, it seems as though her kungfu is not bad. Young master was slapped, yet he still smiled, not caring much. For this young lady, he actually left home for such a long period of time; thus, he must be very infatuated with her. I wonder what the background of this young lady is. Young master is so young and therefore, does not know how dangerous the martial arts world is, he should not be smitten with her beauty, maybe even causing him to lose his reputation." and said with a smile, "The two old masters miss young master and hope that you will go back home immediately. If Miss Mu is free, please go too as our guest." He was worried that Duan Yu would refuse to go home, but if the young lady would go together, he would most likely agree to do so.

Duan Yu stuttered, "What would...would I say to Uncle and Father?" Mu Wanqing blushed and turned her head away.

Zhu Dan Chen said, "The four evil ones have such high martial arts abilities, just now when the Marquis Shan Chan managed to force Second Madam Ye to retreat, it was by the element of surprise and also by luck. Young Master should not be in such a perilous situation, let's leave quickly!" Duan Yu thought of Divine Croc's fierce expression and could not help feeling scared. He said with a nod, "Ok, let's go. 4th Brother Zhu, since the opponent is so powerful, you should go and help Uncle Gao. I will go home together with Miss Mu." Zhu Dan Chen said with a laugh, "It was not easy to find Young Master; I should personally escort you home. Miss Mu is well-versed in martial arts, but I think she has not recovered from her injury, it will be bad if you meet strong opponents on your way home, and thus it will be better if I go with the both of you."

Mu Wanqing said rudely, "You do not need to be so polite when you talk to me. I am a wild woman that has never studied before. I only understand half of what you are saying." Zhu Dan Chen said with a laugh, "Of course, of course. Although I am a military officer, I like to act as if I am a scholar, this is a bad habit that refuses to go away, please do not blame me, lady."

Duan Yu was not willing to go home just like that, but since Zhu Dan Chen found him, he knew that he would have no choice but to do so; he would just have to try to leave secretly during the journey, thus, the three of them went down the peak. Mu Wanqing wanted to ask Duan Yu where he had gone to during those seven days and seven nights but because Zhu Dan Chen was near, talking was not convenient, thus she had to resist the urge. Zhu dan chen brought dried food which he gave the two of them to eat.

The three of them reached the bottom of the peak and after travelling for miles, they found five horses tied to a tree. It turned out to be what Gu du cheng and the others rode here. Zhu Dan Chen led three of the horses to them and after Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing got on the horses, he got on one horse himself and followed them behind. That night, the three of them rested at an inn, each of them taking separate rooms. Zhu Dan Chen then bought a new set on clothes for Duan Yu to change into so that he did not have to suffer the misery of the holes in his trousers.

Mu Wanqing closed the door of her room, staring at the red candle on the table, she sat down, feeling both happy and worried. She thought, "Husband Duan came to find me despite of the danger, showing how devoted he is to me. These few days I have been cursing him, thinking he was heartless; I have misunderstood him. Zhu Dan Chen treats him with so much respect, thus, he must be some important officer's son. I, being a lady, although we have been engaged, should not go to his home for no apparent reason, isn't that awkward? It seems like his uncle and father are very fierce towards him, if they look down on me and treat me with disrespect, what should I do? Hey, I should use my poison darts to kill his whole family, except him." While she was thinking about this, she suddenly heard two soft taps on the window.

Mu Wanqing extinguished the candle flame with a wave of her left hand. Outside the window, Duan Yu said, "It's me." Hearing Duan Yu look for her in the deep night, her heart started pounding and her cheeks started burning, she whispered, "What do you want?" Duan Yu replied, "You open the window and I tell you." Mu Wanqing said, "I will not open." She knew martial arts, yet now she was scared of this weak scholar, it was strange. Duan Yu did not understand why she refused to open the window and he said, "Then you come out quickly and let's leave quickly." Mu Wanqing made a hole in the window paper and asked, "Why?" Duan Yu replied, "4th Brother Zhu is asleep, let's not wake him up. I do not wish to go home."

Mu Wanqing was overjoyed, she had been worried about meeting Duan Yu's parents. She then pushed open the window lightly and jumped out. Duan Yu whispered, "I go and get the horses." Mu Wanqing shook her hands and wrapped her arm around Duan Yu's waist before taking a deep breath and leapt over the wall. She then whispered, "4th brother Zhu will find out when he hears the sound of the hooves." Duan Yu said softly with a laugh, "Luckily you thought of that."

Holding hands, the two of them started travelling towards the east. After walking for miles, they did not hear anyone chasing them from the back and they were relieved. Mu Wanqing said, "Why do you not wish to go home?" Duan Yu replied, "Once I get home, Uncle and Father will definitely lock me up and I will not be able to go out. It will be difficult even to see you once. Mu Wanqing was very pleased and said, "It's best not to go to your house. From now on, the both of us shall wander in the world, isn't that carefree? Now where do we go?" Duan Yu said, "Firstly, we must not be caught by 4th brother Zhu and Uncle Gao. Secondly, we must avoid that Divine Croc. Mu Wanqing said, "True. Let's travel in the northwest direction, its best if we find a village family where we can lie low for some time. After the injury on my back has fully healed, we would not be afraid of anything anymore." Thus, the two of them traveled in the northwest direction, not daring to slow down, only hoping to leave Mt. No Measure as far as possible.

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS Book 1 of 5 (Adventures of The Youth) by Jin YongUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum