"I... it's just... well... you're going to, you know. And I'm... you know. And today is when... you know. And... well, you know, right?"

"Is babbling like a Kryptonian one of the changes? God, I hope that one isn't permanent. I'm glad I can't have a surprise pregnancy."

Lois frowned. "Why not?"

"Why am I glad, or why can't I have surprise pregnancy? I would think the latter is rather obvious."

Lois considered for a moment, a look of severe concentration on her face, before slowly realisation dawned. "Oh! Right, yep, I'm with you now. You've got your company to deal with. Can't have any surprises getting in the way of that. Makes sense."

"I don't mean I wouldn't want to have a family with Kara... obviously. It's just, as you've said, I already have a lot of responsibilities. The fewer DNA altering surprises in my life the better."

"So you're saying if you two could have kids and it wasn't a surprise, you'd want to?"

"You're relentless." Stepping forward, she rested a gentle hand on Lois' abdomen and smiled up at her friend. "I'm happy for you and Clark."

"Thanks," Lois managed a genuine smile this time as she rested a hand over the top of Lena's.

"So, what does Alex say?"

"A lot of stuff. Usually complaining that I talk too much," Lois shrugged.

"You know, I would have been there for your last ultrasound if you'd told me you'd be in town. I can always make room in my schedule for you, Lo."

"I know," Lois nodded and bit her lip, her good mood vanishing in an instant as her lip started to quiver. "I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"Hey, hey," Lena put down her scotch and gently rubbed both of Lois' upper arms, "that wasn't an admonishment. This doesn't feel like it's just the morning sickness. Is everything alright with Clark?"

"Clark's fine," Lois nodded, still biting her lip. "More than fine, in fact. He's been great. It's just... well, you know?"

"I'm afraid I don't. I don't know much about parenting. I've never been one, and I didn't have much of an example. Is there any way that I can help?"

Lois took a few deep breaths as she tried to think of her reply, before finally she picked up what she thought was the mug from the countertop. "It's just, today was meant to be," she dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "the reveal. But with your... you know, I kind of didn't want to steal your thunder. But today is a special day, and we wanted it to be on a special day, and now I don't know what to do because it's a special day for you as well, and I can't ask you to ruin your surprise because that's totally not fair of me but if we wait until tomorrow then it's not a special day for us either and—" she gasped, taking in a deep breath, then raised the tumbler to her lips without even realising.

"Lois, don't—" Lena said too late to stop Lois from taking a gulp of scotch.

Lois froze, slowly turning her eyes down to the glass in her hand, even as the liquid burned her throat, completely at odds with the chilling sensation that rose up her spine. "Fuuuuuuck," she muttered quietly. Then she glanced back to Lena, panicked once more. "What do I do? What do I do? Help me! What do I do?!"

"It's okay," Lena said gently taking the glass from Lois before it was accidentally crushed in a panic. "One little sip isn't going to hurt the baby. It's fine."

"You're sure?" Lois asked, though already she'd calmed considerably, not just at Lena's words, but at her tone as well. It was reassuring. Just what Lois needed, right then. She took another deep breath then nodded. "You're right. Sorry. I'm just... well... you know?"

A Holly Jolly ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now