Keith glances at Shiro, who both had forgotten was there for a minute.
"Sorry I attacked you," he said, trying to hide himself with Lance.
Shiro smiles at him, "It's alright Keith. I scared you."

Shiro gets up. Lance glaring at him with a silent threat not to do anything to upset Keith.
"Didn't know you spoke spanish," Shiro commented.
"I'm from Texas," Keith shrugs, "Half the people there spoke spanish."
Shiro just nods leaving the two, half scared that Lance would glare a hole through his head.

He shuts the door, a hundred things running through his head.

"Why was Keith screaming?" Allura asked behind him, making the Black Paladin almost jump out of his skin.
The rest of Team Voltron stood behind her looking at Shiro expectantly.

"It was a nightmare," he answered simply, "Nothing to worry about. Lance handled it. Everything's fine," he assured them.

Keith screamed again.
"Or not," Shiro mumbled to himself.
The team rushed to the bare room. Lance standing frozen in the bathroom door way.

The group peered around him seeing Keith half naked. Purple stripes of fur going up and down his arms. Nearly all of his back covered in the purple fuzz.

The boy looked up. Tears glossed over his eyes, making them look glassy, and causing his vision blur.

Lance walked up to Keith wrapping his arms around him. The half Galra buried his face in Lance's neck for the second time that day with fear of himself in his eyes.

Keith flinched a little when Pidge joined in the hug. Lance smiled down at her, draping an arm around her in thanks before it made it's way back to Keith's side.

Then came Hunk, hugging from behind Lance, but managing to wrap his arms around the three of them.

Shiro joined shortly after. Followed by Coran, then Allura.

"It's okay Keith," Pidge whispered.
"You were part Galra before, just cause your skin is changing color doesn't mean you're changing," Hunk smiled down at him.
"We'll always accept both of you," Shiro agreed, resting a hand on Lance's shoulder, "No matter what happens."
"Truer words have never been spoken number one," Coran smiled.
"We're family, maybe not with blood, but with heart," Allura agreed, looking down on the boys with motherly affection.

"T-thanks guys," Keith smiled, wiping away the tears.
Lance kissed his forehead, holding the Red Paladin against his chest.

Allura looked at Shiro, silently asking if he was thinking what she was. He gave her a knowing smile looking back and forth between the boys, and nodded.

The Space Parents both gave each other that "I know you ship it, and I do too!" look. Meanwhile Coran being Coran, had no fucking clue what the fuck was going on around him. The very obvious to the romantic feelings that were as clear as day to everyone else, where being completely ignored by him, as if he were blind and deaf on the fourth of July in the middle of a red and blue firework show.

"If you want Keith we can run some test to see if the transformation will continue," Allura offered, as the team one by one pulled back.
"Yeah, thank you, Allura," he smiled holding Lance's hand.
"Come on, we'll let you take your shower, it's been a long couple of days for you," Shiro smiled, giving his little brother an approving look.

Keith went a little red, "T-thanks, Shiro."
The Black Paladin nodded walking out of the restroom followed by most of the others. Shiro paused, holding the door for Lance. The Blue Paladin sighed loudly. He peeked his boyfriend's cheek and walked out.

Lance stuck his tongue out at Shiro, who shut the door.
"You can get pregnant, I'm not letting him top you and having a little Klance child running around," he whispered.
Lance glared at him, "Who says Mullet would top?"
"Keith is a top, you aren't fighting him on it," Shiro said in a 'we both know I'm right' tone.

"Are you giving him the Talk?" Pidge shouted.
Lance stuck up his middle finger.
"Language," Shiro warned.
Lance put his hand under his chin and threw it out smiling at Pidge.
"Thank you," Shiro nodded as Lance held the door.
Lance smiled innocent, letting him out.

"We will be talking later though," Shiro whispered.
Lance groaned, banging his head on the door frame. Shiro laughed to himself before leaving.

Lance shut the door, sighing to himself. The sound of running water caught his attention. No he was not going to go into the shower and have some fun with Keith. He was descent enough to know when that was appropriate and when they were ready for it.

That didn't mean he wasn't imagining what Keith looked like right now. He was a teenage boy after all, dirty thoughts were almost second nature.

Sometimes it was annoying, but at the moment, he was not minding the dark side of his mind. If you don't believe me, the blug in his pants would be a dead give away.


Lance knows some sign language because one of his siblings went into deaf ed.

Also what he did means FUCK YOU

That's bolded, underlined, and in caps to catch people's attention not show strong emotion. I don't trust everyone to read this A/N and I want to educate all of you.

Thanks for 370 reads!

🎶One last chapter~🎶 😏

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