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To say the next day at the breakfast table was awkward would be an understatement.

Today was their last day in London before they had to fly back to L.A, and Jackie had called down both boys to have breakfast with her.

Harry was the first to join Jackie at the table, who shot him a bright smile, at first oblivious to Harry's distress, but of course knowing him for four years, instantly picked up the vibe he was giving off.

"Harry," the red haired girl finally firmly said, putting down the menu, making Harry snap his eyes up to her and away from his fidgeting hands.


"What's wrong with you? Are you upset about going back home or something? Don't worry, I'll get you more offers then as well," Jackie soothed, but Harry shook his head imperceptibly, shifting in his seat. He was nervous actually, nervous with a mixture of anger from his rejection. He knew he was going to confront Liam the second he showed up in front of him, and it won't be pretty.

"It- it's not that. I know you'll do that, and thank you so much for helping me with my career," Harry said softly, squeezing Jackie's arm, trying to calm himself, "but it's about Liam... and his job," he breathed out. He has to do it, no second thoughts.

Jackie frowned, leaning her chin in the palm of her hand as she pulled her chair closer. "What about Liam?"

Harry took in another shuddery breath,carding his fingers though his curls in frustration. "You see, something happened last night. And I, I know I won't--"

"Hey Jackie," Liam said smoothly, making Harry gulp as the bodyguard slipped in the seat next to Jackie's, right in front of him. Harry kept his eyes trained on his hands, twisting the ring on his finger, refusing to look up as Liam's cologne wafted through his nose. He just can't.

"Hi," Jackie smiled back, and then it was all silent. Jackie sighed noisily. Something had definitely happened last night. And she had a vague idea what could have happened.

"So, anyone want to order?" She piped up, but got no response. Jackie rolled her eyes as she glanced at both the stubborn boys glaring daggers at the cutlery, and slammed her palms down on the table, making them both flinch.

"Okay listen up. I have no idea what happened between the two of you, but it's best if you talk it out right now," Jackie said firmly, making Liam snort.

"Nothing happened. And their's nothing to talk about," Liam said curtly, making Harry bite his lower lip as he snapped his gaze back to Liam's, their eyes locking for the first time after they had kissed, which felt like a long time.

"Nothing to talk about? Are you really fucking sure about that?" Harry spat with narrowed eyes, his fists clenching with anger. How could he say there was nothing to talk about? Harry was thinking that maybe they could go on about this by ignoring the matter but no. He needed Liam's side of the story now. He needed to know why he isn't good enough. Why Liam rejected him, and why he didn't give Harry a clear answer.

"Guess I better leave now?" Jackie trailed off as she motioned to stand up, and Harry snapped his hard gaze away from Liam's, giving her a small smile as he rose from his seat. "It's okay, you order. We'll be right back," he said, giving Liam a pointed look, who followed quietly, fuming himself.

But anything Harry was about to say, Liam kind of deserved it as well. He had no right to be mad, but still, Liam was. Harry had been the one to kiss him, and here he was acting like it was all Liam's fault when it partially was.

And judging by Harry's tense shoulders, he had a lot to say. The green eyed boy led them upstairs to his room, where they quietly stepped in.

Harry paced his room as Liam stood by the door uncertainly, but still held his ground. If Harry was mad at him, then Liam had his own reasons to be mad.

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