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Things were still awkward between Liam and Harry, and it had been almost a week since the party. Liam had apologized to Harry for what he'd said that night, but the younger boy had finally realised it now.

Liam didn't like him. Hilary hadn't liked him. His fans only liked his face and body. He can't get everyone to like him. Liam was right.

And Liam was further right in saying that their relationship should be professional. As so that is what Harry was doing.


Liam was at the hotel's gym right now, running the treadmill as his early morning jog, but his mind was on Harry.

After that night, Liam relaised that maybe he had been a bit too harsh. He just didn't want to accept it. He didn't want Zayn to smugly tell him told you so. Liam didn't want what happened to Zayn and Louis, to happen to him and Harry.

But now, even after Liam had apologized, he realised that Harry was hurt. And troubled. The recent media attention and hate from Hilary's fans was getting to him more than ever. And in this situation, Liam had to go and act like an uptight asshole. Liam felt like shit that Harry was purposely acting emotionally detached around him.

Meaning, Harry was acting as professional as possible, which was... irritating Liam. Yes, that was what he wanted all along, for Harry to stop with his flirting and remain professional. And now when that had happened, Liam found himself missing Harry's teasing remarks.

But of course, he won't fucking ever let Harry know that.

Liam sighed and checked his watch, realising he'd been running and thinking for more than 45 minutes. Running was second nature to him now.

Inwardly sighing, Liam turned off the machine and grabbed his water bottle, taking a gulp. In an hour, Harry would be up to leave for his interview. And of course Liam had to accompany him because the fans knew the venue.


They had now been in London for a week, and Seventeen magazine had given Harry another few days so that the swelling on his cheek from the punch he got nicked with in the 'fight' with his ex's boyfriend would lessen.

And now, Harry's cheek was alright, but of course his heart wasn't. Ever since the encounter with Hilary at the party, the tabloids were coming up with all sorts of colorful stories ranging from Harry and Felix fighting for Hilary's heart to Harry trying to win back his first love.

And of course, the hate. Hilary's fans we sending bitter hate to Harry on social media, telling him to back of and leave Hilary's relationship in peace, and not be a bitter ex. If only they knew the skank was the one still wanting a bit more from Harry, who was now become more famous that Hilary would have ever imagined.

And of course, Harry's loyal fans were also defending him, saying that Hilary was a slut that was framing and once again trying to use Harry. But who would believe 'em, right?

Harry could only focus on the negative.

And honest to God, Harry wanted to strangle the bitch for tangling him in this situation. Sure, Harry knew that he was the one who went to the party, and also knew the skank would be there... but how would Harry have known she's act so immaturely?!

It wasn't anyone's fault actually.

And to top it off, Liam had to be such an asshole, when all Harry had needed was someone to tell him that he was not an idiot and Hilary did not make a fool out of him again (when actually, she did). But no, Liam was all with his professionalism, and so fuck it.

Harry is showing him professionalism, and he bets Liam is loving it. The bodyguard had apologized to Harry for that night and he's forgiven him. But Harry didn't want to go back to his tesing ways again. He was pissed.

Pissed with the negative media attention lately, pissed with the hate, pissed with his humiliation at the party, pissed at the stupid feelings he has for Liam Payne who always has a stick up his arse and most of all, he is pissed at Hilary's recent text, casually saying she wants to apologize on Felix's behalf and catch up with each other.

Yeah, right.

With a snort, Harry threw his phone back on the bed, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. It was their seventh morning in London today, and Seventeen magazine had rescheduled his interview and photoshoot for today.

At dinner last night, Jackie had told Harry that this time, his photoshoot was a couple photoshoot, and that meant he was going to have a model with him. Okay, yeah. Harry will tolerate her as long a she's not a bitch. Or even work up the Styles charm if she's fit.

And so Harry had to get ready in two hours with an interview with the nosy magazine and a photoshoot with their uptight photographer who hates Harry's curls.

Oh, joy.


A short one, but now we know what both of them are thinking!

Poor Harry, he's getting hate! And stubborn Liam, ugh! :(

Serious shit's going down in the next chapter... why? There was a clue in this chappie ;)

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