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After Liam returned back inside Seventeen's main office with Harry in tow, Jackie heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank God!" Jackie flitted over to them. "Alright, Harry. I've talked to them and they have agreed to cut off the photoshoot with Hilary Chase. She is here and getting ready for her solo shoot," Jackie waved a hand. "But you'll do the interview, right?"

"Yep, and I'll be as honest as I can," Harry said, meeting Liam's eyes who smiled back with a nod.

"No more lying. That bitch does more of that already," Harry snorted, and Jackie laughed, patting his shoulder. 


Harry changed back into his casual clothes and followed the thin interviewer dressed in a grey dress suit who had introduced herself as Sandra Adams into the spacious, sound-proof interview room.

"So, Harry," the interviewer began, leaning forward with her recorder ready, a sickly sweet smile on her make-up caked face. "Let's begin with the basic questions. As over the past year, you have gained fame with amazing momentum! Getting noticed by really big modeling agencies and such. Who do you owe it all to?"

Harry sighed in relief, that was an easy question and something he was comfortable talking about. His career. He knew it was about time Sandra would ask about his refusing to do the photoshoot with Hilary Chase.

Harry gave a small laugh, leaning back in his seat. "Well I guess I owe it all to social media, especially tumblr," Harry asnwered honestly. "My tumblr and my website were the reasons I achieved so much recognition and of course, Jackie Harrison, my amazing manager and publicist, who without, my career wouldn't be what it is now."

Sandra smiled widely, nodding. She pressed a button on the recorder, and then set it up again. "And are you and Jackie--"

"Jackie is like a big sister to me," Harry answered firmly, smiling tightly.

Sandra gave a small laugh. "Great to hear! So does that mean that the charming Harry Styles is currently single? Available for girls and boys alike? No Hilary Chases in your life," Sandra tacked on non-chalantly, making Harry sigh. There it is.

Harry smiled his dazzling, convincing smile, running a hand through his long hair. "Nope, single as a pringle--uh, a pringle that's outside the box, away from the, you know, other priingles," Harry clarified, wrinkling his nose cutely.

Sandra laughed, slightly weirded out but she reformed her expression. The interviewer flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "What about your ex, Hilary Chase? Sources say you two are friends now but haven't been finding time to meet. And then you had realised you couldn't be just friends with Miss Hilary, and decided to kiss her?" Sandra giggled, and Harry clenched his fists.

"That's intirely false," Harry said coolly. "It's about time you hear my side of the story. I don't care if you'll include this in the interview or not, I don't care," Harry shrugged. He then leaned forward, locking his dark green eyes with the interviewer's blue ones. "I. Am. Not. Friends. With. Hilary. Mackenzie. Chase. We had broken up an year ago on bad terms, and I have no deisre to work or even interact with her. I would never even kiss Hilary Chase in my nightmares. I have no flipping idea why she has a grudge with me or my fame, but all I can say is that me and Hilary are no way or friendly terms. That's it," Harry finished coldly, and Sandra closed her mouth seconds later, blinking.

"Oh, uh, wow. So what you're saying is that Hilary Chase is a liar? Because in her last interview with us, she said that you two are good friends and you had been looking for oppurtunities to work with her," Sandra supplied.

Harry snorted. "Again, that's bull. You can see that as I blatantly refused to do the photoshoot with her. We are not friends. I would never desire to work with her. She is a manipulating... girl. You all will get to know that sooner or later because you can't hide the truth forever. My fans know I'm honest and I that's all that matters to me. I won't say any more on this," Harry smirked, then waved a hand.

"If that's all clear, can we change the subject please."

Sandra blinked again and then nodded, but hesistant to drop the subject.  "Alright, that's all clear I guess.  What about your rumored acting project, Harry? We've heard you've got an offer to audition for the role of Mick Jagger in his autobiography?"

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "As much as I would love to say that's true, it's just a rumor. I may look like Mick Jagger, but I can't act for shit," Harry shrugged with a smile, and Sandra laughed.

"Well that's a shame. And speaking of rumors and relationships, what about your attractive new bodyguard? You two have insane chemistry!" Sandra said with a giggle and Harry blushed slightly, hiding it with a smirk.

"Liam, yeah? He's hot isn't he? But he's just a really good friend and of course a kick-ass bodyguard. With my increasing fame, I do need a bodyguard, and Liam is by far the best one. But no, we're just friends," Harry said firmly, trying not to let a tone of sadness slip in his voice.

Sandra ran a hand through her hair, adjusting herself on the leather couch. She then tapped on her iPhone, and then grinned. "Oh! And let's talk about your adorable twin brother, Marcel! Just last week, a few fans mistook Marcel for you because he was having a bad hair day and didn't straighten in hair or wear his glasses," Sandra laughed, reading off the Sugarscape article.

"No way, how did I not know that!" Harry laughed, slapping his knee. "Poor guy. I'm gonna call him after this!" Harry said between his guffaws. He then calmed down, wiping his eyes. "But yeah, my twin brother. He's a sassy, hard-working know-it-all, an unattractive version of me, but I love him," Harry said, smiling with his teeth. "I won't talk more about Marcy because it's not my place and I don't think he appreciates the spotlight."

Sandra giggled, shaking her head. "How adorable, siblings!  But yes, we understand. And--" Sandra checked her watch. "And I guess that's all! Thank you so much for having this fun chat with us Harry, it was a pleasure for us," Sandra smiled, then clicked the recorder off.

She shook hands with Harry and they exited the interview room. The interview had went well, and just like Liam had advised, Harry had been honest, and he said as much as he could. Hope to God they believe him. But now, Harry won't let that get to him.

He's not the one in the wrong, so he should never feel bad. Hilary will get what's coming for her. 

[A/N- i don't like this chappie much but woo, harry was honest! and the interview was kinda fun? hilary and harry meet in the next chapah! ooh bitch fight xD]

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