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"You need to learn to live a little, mate," Harry Styles laughed huskily, wiggling his eyebrows at his normally stoic bodyguard, who just subtly rolled his eyes, ignoring him. Crossing his arms, he occassionally sweeped his eyes left and right to block any suspicious people. The bar was surprisingly empty, even for a working day.

Pop music was playing in the background, and the smell of sweat and expensive alcohol polluted the air.

After staring at his alert and tense form from across the empty bar table, the green eyed model sighed in exasperation, dramatically banging his head on the edge of the table and draping his lanky arms on the grimy tabletop.

"Why are you so boring?! I should have hired someone who knew what 'fun' meant!" he jibed loudly, to which Liam Payne snapped his hard gaze towards his curly haired client. This was the last straw. This was his third day on this job, and he was already fucking regretting accepting this client. But he had to, otherwise he would have lost this job too.

Of course, anything was better than being an assassin which was Liam's occupation previously, but still. Guarding a famous, cocky model is hard.

And sometimes, your patience is tested.

This was the third day on the job, and Liam had to accompany Harry to a high-end bar, where Harry had a short meeting with a magazine editor for his next big thing. The editor was long gone, and Harry was still here, not for the babes, but -- believe it or not -- for trying to make his bodyguard have some fun at a bar.

With Harry's taunt still in his head, he braced his palms flat on the table and leaned forward, eyes locking with the smirking brunette.

"Look here Styles. I take my job seriously. Very seriously. Because this is like a second chance at life for me. And if I had 'fun' with you," he air quoted, "then I would get fired and your ass would get kidnapped by crazed fangirls."

Harry raised his eyebrows, his smirk unwavering. "You do know I can fire you either way."

Liam choked, his eyes widening. "Y-you wouldn't!"

Harry kept his gaze locked with the shocked bodyguard for a while, then looked away, tracing the edge of his empty glass with his finger.

"You're right. I'd never do that." Because Harry wasn't that much of an ass and he knew how much Liam needed this job. But he was teasing him for his own good. The guy was just too serious.

"Okay. Let's make a deal," Harry proposed, twirling his glass. "From now on, I'll let you do your bodyguard duty in peace aka I won't bother you as you keep an eye on me, but only on one condition."

Liam eyed him warily. "That is?"

Harry's grin widened. "You agree to spend this night with me, doing whatever I want," Harry said suggestively, making Liam snort in amusement and slight shock. The not-so-subtle advances of the curly haired boy -- ever since they met that day at Harry's brother's boyfriend's house -- of course didn't go unnoticed by the brown eyed lad.

"No, thank you. My job is to--"

"Protect me from my... emotionally unstable fans that get overwhelmed by my looks. I know I know," Harry waved a dismissive hand. "But, all I'm asking is a night. A night to show you how to let loose. How to live life."

Liam huffed indignantly. "I think I know quite well how to live my life and let loose."

Harry merely raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" he deadpanned. "When was the last time you went to a bar and let it all out?"

Liam shrugged. "That's not--"

"Oh, and the last time you went to a party?" Liam didn't respond, and took over the same course of action once again; ignoring Harry.

At Liam's silence, Harry shook his head incredulously. "The last time you rode a bike?! Jesus, please tell me you've rode a bike!"

"Of course I have!" Liam snapped.

"Oh right. You have that fancy bike like Zayn's, that the Agency gave you."

Zayn Malik was Liam's ex-partner, from when he workes in the assassin agency, the agency which provides all their employees with state of the art motorbikes.

"But I bet you've never rode it for the fun of it. Ya know, like just letting it go, letting the wind charge through your hair, the adrenaline rush slowly kicking in," Harry sighed, slowly feeling the familiar urge to ride out his baby consume him.

"No," Liam warned, as Harry was eagerly shrugging his jacket on. "Don't Harry."

"Why?" Harry asked, amusement laced in his voice.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt."

"Yeah?" Harry murmured, smiling lightly.

Liam coughed. "Yes. I don't want to be responsible for your death."

Harry snorted. "Oh please. I'm a pro at this. And 'sides," he grinned, as the idea popped in his head. "If you're so worried about me, Mr. Bodyguard, why not come along with me?"

"I'm not going on a death bike ride with you and neither are you! We are leaving!" Liam demanded sternly, but he knew the stubborn guy won't listen.

Harry just rolled his eyes. "I'm going to take my baby out for a spin. You're welcome to join me, Liam."

When Liam didn't reply, Harry sighed in annoyance. He then smiled cheekily.

"Fine then. I'm leaving now and won't be back 'til the wee hours of the morning. G'luck finding me. Bye!" And before Liam could blink, Harry was gone.

Liam cursed under his breath, and took after the curly haired boy in the denim jacket. Weaving through the crowd, he finally spotted Harry at the entrance of the club, out of breath. Good thing Liam was in shape.

"You're ridiculous!" Liam called out. Why couldn't he have gotten a client who would just let him do his job in peace, and not pester him so much?

Harry, still smiling, walker closer to his bodguard. "C'mon Liam. Don't look back. Live your life. Even if it's only for tonight," Harry remarked, his hand stretched out as an invitation.

Harry's words seem to hit him hard, and he finally thought, why not? What's the worse that can happen?

Smothering down the rational thoughts of his brain, Liam sighed, and with a defeated shrug, followed Harry outside.


I literally just wrote this on a whim. So ye. I apologize for the terrible-ness.


This'll be a short story, based on the song Alive.

This is a Lirry spin-off of Assassin After My Heart. :)

I'll continue this after my hiatus aka JUNE! :D [ ugh so far away HELP ]

ILY! <3

~zarrycupcake xx

Alive [Lirry]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora