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Namjoon and Jin drove in silence, the bad blood boiling between them. Until Namjoon abruptly stopped the car in the middle of the woods just outside Seoul and asked, "Okay, let me get this straight, you can tell what's inside a building just by looking at the outside?"

"Yes," Jin answered sounding so much more confident than he was. He thought about everything, about how he was positive that Namjoon was trying to kill him and had killed his parents. So then why did he let him drag him out to the middle of nowhere, so no one could hear him scream? Namjoon led him to a building, it was old and run down but looked like it could've been a home at one point.

It was about 20 miles from where he had gone to school in sixth and seventh grade.

"Something feels off," Jin said, he wasn't sure what but something bad was going to happen here, "We shouldn't be here."

"Nothing's gonna happen here, trust me," Namjoon said it with such harshness that Jin really didn't have a choice but to agree, though he didn't fully trust him, he let Namjoon slowly put a blindfold on his eyes. He didn't understand why fully but, he loved the thrill of it, he had never been one for risky situations, so this adrenaline was so new to him. Aside from the overwhelming feeling of adrenaline, a deep anxiety bloomed inside him, something was definitely wrong here, something bad was going to happen. Jin was sure that it was his morbid curiosity that told him to ignore the feeling deep in his stomach and to go through with namjon's plan, but, why did he obey it?

He navigated the building correctly and Jin could feel that Namjoon was studying him the whole way.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jin asked Namjoon as they sat outside of the house,Jin strangely at peace sitting next to Namjoon, the boy who he was almost positive was trying to kill him. So how was he at peace? Was he starting to care about Namjoon? Was this him falling?

"Remember what I said at the party?" He asked in response.

"Yeah, you said you had something to tell me but you weren't ready..."

"Yeah, about that," He paused mid-sentence. Suddenly a gunshot rang through the air, and hit Namjoon, he collapsed to the ground, and lay there bleeding. Immediately Jin's whole being began to shake, was this really the end for him and Namjoon? In this moment of desperation he realized, he still had things he needed to tell Namjoon, things he needed to ask, he still had things he needed from Namjoon.

"Jin, I need you to do one last thing for me," Namjoon requested, his voice was weak and quiet, and broke Jin's heart, "I need you to call the others and tell them that I won't be coming home, go home, Jin."

"I can't leave you," Jin whispered.

"Go or you'll be shot!" Jin stood hesitantly then Namjoon said to him.

"I thought that death would be painful, but now that I'm here, in its harsh realities, I don't feel a thing. I'll be okay, we were all trained for this, just promise me you'll find whoever did this."

Swallowing a sob Jin said, ¨I promise.¨ Knowing that it was the right thing to do he sprinted into the woods and, using Namjoon's phone, called the boys, Jungkook answered.

"Namjoon, guess what?"

"This isn't Namjoon, it's Jin, Namjoon was shot he told me to tell you he isn't coming back." Jin's voice shook as he said it, of course he was aware of what was happening, but he wasn't ready to hear it outloud yet.

"Where are you?" he asked an urgency in his voice, almost as if he knew this would happen, but hated that it had. Then a thought struck him, 'What did Namjoon mean when he said "We were all trained for this'"

"I don't know somewhere in the woods, at an old run down house."

"The old Kim house, that little-" Yoongi, who apparently had been listening, stopped himself from saying things that the author was not comfortable writing.

"We'll be there in ten minutes."

_________________________Ten minutes later_______________________________________

The boys had arrived in bulletproof vests, and Jin guided them to Namjoon. He wasn't looking good, he was pale, and his shirt and everything around him was stained with red, his eyes were glazed over and almost all the light had faded from them.

Jin didn't understand the feelings that had blossomed in his chest, it was a mixture of love, hate, fear, confusion, and death. The love he had for Namjoon that he hadn't realized he felt until it was possibly too late, the hate for himself because now Namjoon may never know that Jin loved him, the fear of everything, his whole life had crumbled at his feet and he just stood and watched, knowing that there would always be a part he could hold onto, except that now even that part was crumbling, Confusion, overwhelming confusion, he had so many question and now he wasn sure that any of them would be answered, and death. The death that Jin could feel weighing on him was more than just Namjoon's death, it was a piece of him that died along with Namjoon, a piece that he forgot that he had, forgot that he needed.

They loaded him into a car and off they went, Jin driving in the car that he had originally come in. He had a lot of time to think about what Namjoon had said 'We've all been trained for this' but what did that mean, and how did everyone else know exactly what to do in this situation?

Why did Namjoon remind him of someone he used to know? 

A/n; this is so much fun! though I kinda feel like this chapter is really bad :( 

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