The rest of them

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"Ignore him," a voice chimed from behind Jin, "He doesn't like anyone." Jin turned to find three boys who looked around his age. The one who had spoken was yawning as Jin wondered who they were and why they were being so friendly.

"I'm Kim Taehyung," said one of the boys. The boy was strikingly beautiful with cherry red hair and a slim yet broad physique. His clothes were simple and seemed randomly thrown together but he wore them with so much purpose that you had to wonder, was it really random? He truly had the mind of an artist.

"Kim Jungkook's the name, League of Legends is the game," the second boy said, smiling. something about the smile strongly resembled a bunny. The boy was broad and muscular, with a very defined face and black eyes.

"I'm Kim Yoongi, but you can call me Suga," the third boy shrugged, "it's easier." Yoongi was slimmer than both the other boys, but it fit him well. Jin could tell from the voice that he was the one who had spoken at first, also from the fact that he was yawning again.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, but I would prefer if you called me Jin." Jin held his hand out and one by one shook all of their hands.

"Well, I assume, since I've never seen you before, that you are new," Suga said, Jin nodded as a response, "So then you need us to show you around?" Jin shook his head.

"No, I can manage," Jin said hesitantly. A look of confusion crossed Yoongi's face, but he quickly regained his cool demeanor, as if remembering he didn't care. Taehyung and Jungkook's facial expressions had agreed that they were both bewildered.

"So you're telling me that you can navigate a building that you've never been in?" Taehyung asked disbelief coating his words and making Jin regret his decision of telling the boys.

"Yeah, it's just something I've always been able to do," Jin's voice trailed off. All three of the boys were watching, scrutinizing him. Jin, at that moment, had decided that this was what it felt like to be an organism under a microscope in biology class.

"That would be useful, we gotta tell Joon," Yoongi mumbles, still looking at Jin, gaining a nod from the other two.

"Should we get to class now?" Jin asked his mind racing as to why that would be "helpful", this was his attempt to change the subject.

"Yeah, what class do you have?"

"History, what about you guys?"

"Tae and Kookie have History, but I have Bio," Yoongi said, then headed on his way. Jungkook motioned for us to go, so we did. While walking, Jin couldn't help but notice the differences in how they walked. Taehyung walked with purpose and dignity, he walked as if he was a king in medieval times. Jungkook walked slouched over and smooth as if he were a king of high school.

As they neared the door to the classroom, Tae's face began to contort in a look of pure disappointment.

"She took it down," Jungkook said, sadness painting his voice, at this point Tae's eyes were watering up, making Jin wonder what was so important that would make this kingly regal man cry.

"Maybe she's not an art lover!" Tae enthused, his face brightening and his eyes turning to Jungkook.

"Philistine!" Jungkook shouted, shaking his fist. A burst of laughter came from the two boys beside Jin.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but what are you quoting?" Jin asked the boys looked appalled.

"Home on the range, have you really not seen it?" Jungkook asked Jin shook his head.

"Sounds like it may be time for a movie night!" Taehyung said excitedly. They proceeded to walk into the classroom after Jin had agreed to a movie night at their house.

As soon as Jin walked in all eyes were on him except Namjoon's. Namjoon was talking and laughing and smiling. It was strange for Jin to see Namjoon smiling, he had flagged him as eternally mad. Though, his smile was surprisingly beautiful, as soon as he saw Jin, his smile faded and his face contorted into a scowl.

Again Jin felt like he was under a microscope as everyone sat watching him, the pressure and the tense atmosphere weighing on him. 

A/n: I'm not super confident in this chapter or how it ends, but it's here so yeah. Please tell me what you think in the comments, I love hearing opinions, good or bad. 


Into the dark// Namjin fanfiction CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora