A Shirtless Jimin and Cake

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Jin froze, this was about him? What did Namjoon know about him? He had just moved here, what could he possibly have to do with this, this mess. Footsteps crawled towards the door, he could hear them. At the exact moment, he snapped back into reality, and he ran. Where? He had no idea, he just knew that he had to get away.

He scrambled into the first door he could find, he looked out the door and saw Hobi walking to the main room. Jin let out a sigh.

"Um, would you like to explain why you just ran into my room and look like you have just seen a ghost?" Jin flinched at the familiar voice, Jimin's voice. He turned to meet a shirtless Jimin, shirtless.

'Oh crap,' Jin thought, 'how does he expect me to survive this ordeal?'

"I mean, I was getting 'panicked gay' vibes from you but.... Is this," he said gesturing to himself, "really where you want to start? Shouldn't you start out with a more tame gay?"

"I was trying to find the bathroom," Jin said, swallowing. Jimin looked at him in disbelief,

"The end of the hall to your left," he directed. Jin nodded his head in thanks and then left to go to the bathroom. As he walked through the halls, he felt the opposite of claustrophobic, he felt like he was in a gaping hole with no chance of escape.

When he got into the bathroom, he let out a breath of air he wasn't aware he was holding on to. He looked into the mirror.

"Kim Soekjin, what did you get yourself into?"


While Jin was walking to the main room, he saw the door to Namjoon's room, he lay his head against it and could still hear Namjoon crying.

"You okay?" Jin asked, his voice seemed so distant and detached, so faded, His voice was fading, crawling into a deep dark hole, never to come out again.

The door opened and a tear-stained face peeked out from behind it, "Hey Jin, I'm sorry, but I really don't have the energy to talk right now, go have fun and forget about me," he flashed Jin a reassuring smile, then closed the door. With that, Jin turned on his heel and left to the main room.


"Hey Jin, do you want to stay here for the night?" Hobi asked, "It's friday and all and I don't like to drive in the dark so maybe?" Jin nodded.

"Sure but I don't have any pajamas, could I go home and get some," he offered.

"That kinda defeats the purpose of not driving in the dark, now doesn't it? Plus," he paused studying Jin's frame, "You are about the same size as Namjoon, he probably has something you could borrow."

"Okay, sure, I'll text my mom," he said, "One of you should go ask Namjoon though-"

"Ask me what?" said the calm, cold, even harsh voice that Jin had grown so accustomed to over the course of a few days. Very different from the caring voice he had heard moments before.

"If Jin can borrow a pair of clothes to stay the night," Taehyung said impassively.

"I suppose," he paused, "but only if necessary."

"It is, totally necessary," Jungkook said, looking Namjoon dead in the eyes.

'"Before all this happens, I have something to say," Suga interrupted, "I know that Hobi was a little miffed at me for leaving him here on own anniversary-"

"A little?" Hoseok chimed in.

"Now, I'm not one for sappy love stories or speeches but I felt bad about leaving him alone on our special day, so I tried to make it to him in the best way I could think of." At that moment, Taehyung walked in carrying a cake that read 'Happy anniversary sunshine.'

"I freaking love you, Min Yoongi," Hoseok exclaimed, smiling, that sunshine smiling that we all loved so much, he then walked over to Suga, put his hand on his shoulder, then gave him a slight peck on the lips.

"And I love you, sunshine."

"Get a room!" he could hear Jimin, who was now fully clothed, yell.

Everything was so perfect at that moment, but little did the group of boys know that not too far from them plans were starting to take form, horrible plans.


"They are in my way!" yelled a shrill voice.

"Then eliminate them, this is what you were trained for," the voice paused then hesitantly "Remember that this is your last chance, don't mess it up."


A/n: so yeah I don't really have much to say about this chapter just like y'know have fun I suppose.

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