𝐈∥the test begins.

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hyejoo held onto her spinning compass, wandering down a dull, abandoned alleyway

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hyejoo held onto her spinning compass, wandering down a dull, abandoned alleyway. signs are about to fall, some already on the ground. construction bamboo surrounds buildings to prevent them from collapsing, but even those were starting to form cracks.

is this the part where a horde of zombies appear and starts chasing after her like in the movies? because here she was, completely unarmed and vulnerable. an easy target.

as she walks around the creepy setting, for something to use as a self-defense weapon like a broken sewer pipe. she had no idea where she was going with this. i can just kill a few people and get to my destination, right?

it wasn't right. although she'd crossed the bridge of oblivion and had her memory wiped away, her past life would never allow herself to kill anything, right? killing was wrong. and she wasn't going to become a murderer for the sake of living again.

just as hyejoo exited the alley, she heard echoing footsteps from somewhere nearby. she turned around and saw another person creeping up on her, a small yelp escaped from her in startlement. "jesus fuck."

"ah, it wasn't my intent to scare you," the other girl awkwardly took a step back. she wore a plain white tee, black street joggers, and had her hair tied up in a messy high ponytail. "i go by the name of - wait no that sounds weird jungeun." her words trailed off as she began talking to herself.

"the way you tiptoed behind me on this creepy road seemed pretty intentional to me, jungeun."

"i did that without even thinking about it, my apologies," jungeun cringes at herself. "obviously i have no memory of it, but it must've been a habit i had when i was alive."

"that's a really fucking weird habit you had," hyejoo chuckled awkwardly as the two had a good two-metre distance between each other. "i'm hyejoo. but you can just call me olivia."

"olivia. again, sorry," jungeun fidgeted with her hands uncomfortably. "so it would seem that you too are dead and are undergoing a test. perhaps it would be helpful we stayed together?"

well isn't she well-mannered. "if you don't mind me asking, jungeun, how old are you?"

"uhh, i'm twenty."

"because you talk like you're fucking eighty," olivia lets out a short screeching laugh.

"i only talk like that to people i don't know," jungeun defends. "so, olivia. am i right to assume that me becoming your partner is to your advantage?"

is she putting pressure on me right away?

"yeah, i'm not denying it."

"okay then. to be completely honest with you, i have a gun on me."

"well, no shit sherlock," hyejoo responds, eyeing at the shotgun strapped to her waist. "is that some kind of threat?"

"no, i just want you to be honest with me too. so i volunteered the information first," jungeun says. "now i'm asking you this as a future comrade; what have you been assigned?"

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