27 - Besieged Part 1

Start from the beginning

At that moment, Taman materialised from the adjoined corridor and double-took his blood-soaked sister.

"Is that your Threyan silk dress!? What psychopath would do this?!" He gasped and, for the first time ever, showed his sister affection.

"Tell me about it! I was seeing red, Taman! Luckily Elia was there to pull me away from the scene! I would have knocked everyone in my path down!" Aliana cried and I nodded.

"I do not doubt that for a second." I sighed, "Come, you two, we need to go to the kitchens!"

The Whitemane siblings fussed over Aliana's stained dress on the way to the kitchens and I took Aliana up on her suggestion by placing a plank of wood beneath the doorknob so that hopefully no one can barge in here unannounced.


After I had heard the crash, I had gotten Serana to follow me from my chambers to the foyer and I peered through the doorway to the hordes of enraged rebels thrashing The Royal Guard.

"Well, that's irritating," Serana grunted, her voice cool, calm and collected as per usual.

"Can you still use your knives?" I asked her and she cocked a brow.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Serana scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"That's handy but still not quite... Explosive..." I murmured, tapping my chin.

"What about that High Priestess you're always fawning over?" Serana suggested and I cocked a brow.

"What would Althea do?" I wondered and Serana shrugged.

"You tell me." She chuckled incredulously, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.

"You're very nonchalant for the fact that there is a slaughter occurring right before our very eyes," I muttered,  stepping back from a guard that was slammed into the wall near us.

Serana shrugged and observed the onslaught from our spot just beyond the foyer.

"You know what? This is becoming tedious and repetitive. I'm going to take you up on your word, Serana. Accompany me to the throne room." I demanded, already turned on my heels and striding in the direction of the throne room.

"What do you mean 'taking me up on my word'?" Serana questioned me and I glared at her over my shoulder.

"I'm going to have a chat with our resident High Priestess," I answered and she nodded, considering the situation.

"Isn't she like... I don't know... Busy?" She pressed me but I shook my head.

"Althea spends most of her time meditating or unearthing spells," I responded and Serana tilted her head in thought before coughing into her shoulder.


"I heard that!" I hissed and she rolled her eyes.

As I stepped into the pool of water, I shut my eyes and breathed in the familiar scent of the Corian mountainside and the pines just to the south.

Not a few moments later, Althea's face appeared in my vision and she bowed her head.

"High Priestess," I regarded her.

"Mistress," She nodded, "I can sense that you haven't called me for good news."

"No, I'm afraid not, High Priestess." I sighed, "The palace is under attack by the insurgents and the shock of the ambush has taken its toll on the soldiers."

Althea briefly fluttered her eyes shut before letting out a heavy sigh, "You know that I cannot exhaust my powers; there will be disastrous repercussions."

"I am aware, High Priestess, and I am deeply ashamed to ask this of you but we really need your help..." I mumbled, gazing down at my 'feet' which, in actual fact, was just a pit of darkness.

"I hope that your guardsmen should hold them off for a small period of time whilst I consult with Her Royal Highness, Lady Arabella Harlaw." She nodded at me and I gave her a weak smile.

"Of course, Your Excellency..." I mumbled before opening my eyes and glancing over to Serana who stared at me with curiosity, "She says she will speak with Arabella about it."

"Well, if you don't stab someone, can I?" She smirked and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"As much as I'm tempted to approve that..." I muttered and she nudged me.

"What if I stab someone just a little bit?", I glared at her and she rolled her eyes, retrieving her daggers anyway.

"No," I growled, the sound of clashing steel and hollers of pain, followed by a deafening rumbling sound

"What is... That?" Serana wondered, peering through a doorway and marching into the corridor.

"I'm... Not sure..." I sighed, trailing after her to the foyer.

She repeated her previous action for the doorway and her eyes widened, "how long does it take to knock a whole room of soldiers and heavily-armed civilians down?"

"What?!" I grumbled, shoving past her and gasping at the sight of a tall, dark figure standing in front of the throne.

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