Moving Away - Chapter Twenty-Four -

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It was a sun-filled morning.  I looked out the window.  Many people thought that Y/N was just mentally insane when he brought up his... Time with Delta, so he never got the help he needed.  Carley was moving with us, as well as AJ and Y/N JR.  It was going to be a packed car ride.  We were bringing bare minimum to move away.  We packed up our things, and left in Y/N's car.  It was nicer than before.  Classic seats, classic trim, original carpet.  We saw Omar on the side of the road.  We pulled over to see what he was doing.

Clementine: Hey, Omar.

Omar: Hey, Clementine.  Leaving town so soon?

Clementine: It's not like we have a choice.  We have a superpower cult on our tails, and we can't stay in town for too long.

Omar: Delta?

Y/N: Yeah.  Delta.

Omar: Okay, well, I just wanted to say that my father apologizes for the way he treated you guys, as well as the other parents in the apology.  They were being led by Brody's... I'm not even sure if "father" is the right word.

Y/N: Yeah, I accept the apology, not that it really matters now, seeming as we're being forced out of town by some crazies, but thanks for all the good times, bro.

And with that, we left.  Omar wasn't broken down on the side of the road.  He was just looking for collectables with a metal detector.

We drove away, thinking about when times were easier.  When we didn't have to worry about when our school was getting attacked again, when Y/N's bruise count was increased, when we didn't have to worry about a cult chasing us, when Lee... Lee deserved better.  That's the truth.  I was driving the car.  We were moving far, far away.  Y/N JR spoke up.

Y/N JR: Mommy?

We were all shocked at this.  He said his first word.  "Mommy." He wasn't going to have to worry about abuse with us.  Never again.

Y/N: Good work, Junior.

Clementine: Yes, that's me.  Mommy.

I took Y/N JR into my arms, and he watched the trees grow thicker.  We were going to some farm town in Michigan, and we weren't going back.  Never again, were we going back to West Virginia.  Nowhere near.  Carley quit her job so that she could leave with us.  I could remember Lee's funeral.  It was sad.  I watched his body get lowered into the ground.  Some might call me insane, but some part of me wanted to go back JUST so I could dig his body up and cradle it.  Some tears began running down my eyes.  Y/N JR reached for my face to grab at the tears.

Y/N: Hey, you know, this is a good chance for us to have and actual parenthood.  We didn't get a good chance earlier, but I think we can try now.

Clementine: I like that plan.

A/N: Trying to make this chapter long as hell so that the lyrics of the song above start going in.  The song is called "Anything For Love" by Meatloaf.  I found it on my old-ass iPod from 2005 that I got in 2010 with a bunch of shit on it and never used until 2019 when. I charged for the first time in almost a DECADE, and it had a bunch of songs on it.

Carley: Where are we living?

Y/N: Some farm up in Michigan or some shit like that.

Clementine: What he said.

Carley: Huh.  That's nice.  Heard it gets cold up there.

Y/N: Yeah, it does.

They fell asleep for the rest of the ride.  I found Y/N's 2nd generation iPod shuffle and plugged it into the car aux.  It played Y/N's song.  I was there with him when we recorded it.  We even wrote onto the song.


Clementine had just learned keyboard, so sound effects were there.

Y/N: Okay, That's the Way it is, let's get it out there.

He got his guitar out, and Clementine had her keyboard on already.

They sang the song through.  They made out at the end of it.


I loved that memory.  We were careless.  We didn't have Junior yet.  Hell, we didn't even have sex yet when we made that.  We were merely in school still.  Well, still enrolled in the school.  We made that song before the shooting.  We did that one at the school's talent contest.  Everyone that day was cheering for us.  Applauding us, even.  When we walked out of the school that day, people were congratulating our relationship and performance.  Best day of my life.  People weren't bullying Y/N or me, we were doing our own thing.

Clementine: Anyone still awake?

No reply.

Clementine: Gonna take that as a no... Gonna stop at this pitstop.

I stopped at Gill's Pitstop.  I got out, went to the bathroom with Junior, and bought a thing of Oreos.  While I was making the purchase, I felt something grab my ass!  It wasn't Y/N.

Stranger 1: You're one mighty fine lady.  What's your name?

Y/N: Hey, pal.  Back off.

Y/N pushed him off of me.

Y/N: I saw what you was doin' to her.  Grabbin' her ass while not knowin' her name, what is wrong with you, old man?

Stranger 1: My name is Abel.

Y/N: I didn't ask.

Abel: Police!

We ran out of there, got in our car, and drove away before he had time to read the plate.

Y/N: You okay?

Clementine: I'll be fine.  That guy was a creep.

I thought I was away from it all.  Apparently, I was in the midst of it all.  We got to our house.  It was in the countryside.  Small farm house, near town.  We had some of the best WiFi available.

Y/N: Real luxurious, eh...?

Clementine: I like this place.

Y/N: Good.  This is our house.  We got the furniture for free (not gonna guarantee it's good) so, that's why I didn't get a truck to take it away.

We unpacked all of our stuff and put it in our new rooms.  Y/N and I shared a room with Junior.  AJ got his own room.  Carley also got her own room.  This place wasn't modern, but it was fine.  I could live here.

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