Sister - Chapter Nineteen -

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We were riding home.  Lee picked Carley up from her studio.  I noticed something was on Y/N's mind.

Clementine: Are you okay?

Y/N: Last time I went to that funeral home it was for my older sister.

Clementine: You never told me you had a sister.

Y/N: I don't like to talk about her.  Kids see the grave in the yard and ask me about her.  I usually just lie and say that it was not my relative.  She committed suicide.

Clementine: Why?

My voice was getting Shakey.

Y/N: When I was still a kid, she moved out to go to college.  She wanted to take me with her to help me get away from that guy I called "uncle", but the college wasn't having it.  She found out what had happened to me when I was five.  She came over when my guardians were away to help me.  They got home, best her, slut shamed her, and uh...

He paused for a moment.

Y/N: They made it a team effort to RAPE her.

I was shocked.

Y/N: They didn't want me to be part of it, but even then, it was too late.  It happened and next day, she went back to the college and hung herself in her dorm.  Her best friend found out when she was absent from her classes.  She walked into her dorm, expecting her to be alive, but she found a dangling corpse with a note on it.

He pulled out the note.  I read it.

"Dear Friends and Family,
I am writing this to say that I cannot live with myself anymore.  My "uncle" has raped me and my brother and beat us both to a pulp.  I'm not willing to live knowing that I let my brother down when I didn't get him out of there to KEEP him from getting raped and beat by that asshole.  I don't want you to follow me in this path, Y/N L/N.


Stephanie L/N.  2007, August 5."

Y/N: I was given this to remember her by.  Her grave gets so much shit every day.  I tried to clean it every day for a few years but gave up.  She died when I was six.

A tear fell from his eye.

Y/N: I know you saw me going over to a grave while you were over talking with Louis and Violet.  When I put some flowers on a graffitied tomb.  She was only twenty when she died.  Only person in my whole family I loved after my parents died.  We loved each other as brother and sister, you know.

I was about to say something when something came up In the road.

Y/N: Watch the road!

It was a deer.  Too late.  We got the deer and the car spiraled out of control and sent Y/N flying through the windshield.

Clementine: No!

I held the paper he gave me tightly with one hand and held onto the seatbelt with the other.  The car stopped.

Lee: Is everyone alright?

Carley: There's Y/N!

We saw him in the road.  Our child was crying.  I got out and ran over to Y/N.  I held his hand.  He woke up.

Clementine: Thank god you're alive!

Y/N: Help... me... please...

Clementine: Guys! Help!

Lee: Is he alright?

He passed out.

Time skip two days

It was two days later.  He finally awoke from his slumber.

Clementine: Y/N?!

Y/N: Yo... the fuck happened?

Clementine: You just went into a car crash caused coma for two days!

Y/N: My God...

Lee: A deer got in the road and messed up my car.

Y/N: Lord...

Lee: Carley is at work reporting on a church shooting.

Nurse: Is he awake?

Y/N: Yo - agh! My head...

He grabbed his head violently.

Nurse: That headache is going to last a long time from the car crash.

Clementine: How long?

Nurse: Give it a month or two and he'll be gone of headaches from the crash.

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