In The Pines... (Clementine's POV) - Chapter Twenty-Two -

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I drove out of there with our family. I remembered the fire. It wasn't anything like this. Why them? Did Y/N just kill a guy just because the guy told him not to hesitate? Did they even know each other? These were the questions I asked myself.

Carley: Can you even drive?

Clementine: Barely.

Lee: I'd take over, but right now, you're the better driver, here.

AJ: Clem?

Clementine: Yes?

AJ: Where are we going?

Clementine: Home.

AJ: Where is Y/N?

I let out a deep breath as I remembered what he said to me. "Just go. I'll get outta here myself." But I remember seeing him get knocked out, so that may be very unlikely.

AJ: Clem?

Clementine: Sorry. I just got lost in my train of thought. Y/N... he told me to just go without him. That he would get out of there himself. He was knocked out by one of the people that got your finger.

AJ: They burned the finger.

Clementine: Oh?

AJ: They said it was "to be sure that I was still valuable to the people on the other side of the big wide world".

Clementine: Oh, no...

Lee: What? What is it?

Clementine: They're gonna sell Y/N on the dark web. We gotta get back to him!

Lee: Home first. We need to be sure we don't look like idiots when we go back in there.

Right then, I got a call. It was from Brody! But how? She was dead, right?

Carley: Who's ringing?

Clementine: It's Brody...

Lee: Isn't she dead?

Clementine: I... don't know anymore...

I answered the call. It wasn't Brody.

Lily: I have Y/N. Do not call this number. He is being tortured for his sins against this community.

I put it on mute.

Clementine: It's not Brody.

I took it off of mute.

Lily: Surrender to our church. It's in your town.

She hung up.

Clementine: They have Y/N.

We stayed silent for the rest of the way back to the house.


Clementine went back to school after her parent's deaths. She was in foster care, but most of the time, they're ghetto as fuck, so she went to regular school. She was walking down the hall and to the classroom.

Bully 1: [laugh] Parentless freak!

Bully 2: [laugh] Look at her!

Clementine cried to these comments.

Stranger 1: Aye, man. Leave 'er alone, now.

Bully 3: Or what, Y/N? You fucking stupid kid. No wonder your uncle hits you.

The kid hit the bully. His friends pinned the boy on the wall and beat him up.

Clementine: Get off of him!

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