Spin-Off 5: New Age Exorcism

Start from the beginning

Tiffany and Taeyong's combined voices hollered one last time before the air stilled and the old ones were held safely within the pig. Lisa shot forward to grab the exhausted witches and pulled them back to safety far from the pig pen. The white witches stepped forward to do their exorcism, and the pig squealed unnaturally, having a hard time holding the old ones in its fragile body.

"Are you guys okay?" Lisa asked softly. She laid Taeyong and Tiffany in the ground side by side and gently touched their faces. Sweat coated their skin.

Taeyong swatted at the fingers caressing her cheek. "I'm fine, I'm fine," she mumbled awkwardly. Her voice was hoarse and scratchy.

Tiffany agreed and rocked her head side to side. "I'm never doing that again," she said softly. "Summons hurt like hell."

Lisa chuckled and sat back on her heels. Pig snorts and squeals filled the building as background noise, along with white witch prayers. Lisa reaffirmed her grip on the ritual blade as Taeyong and Tiffany sat up.

"Get ready," grumbled Tiffany, rubbing the back of her head.

Nodding, Lisa asked again if the witches were okay, and when they assured her they were, she moved to stand behind the white witches to be ready for their signal. She bounced on her feet as the white witches moved closer to the pen and the pig begun to spasm and fall over to its side. The exorcism was long going, as most are, and Taeyong and Tiffany had time to recover and stand on the sidelines with Lisa. Taeyong shivered as she watched, her blood magic dark enough to cower under the white witches words.

"Will this even work?" Tiffany whispered. "What if they can't exorcise them? Will they stay in the pig forever?"

"No," Lisa whispered back. "If it doesn't work, the old ones are probably strong enough to find a way out of the pig eventually."

"So if this works they die with the pig?"

"That's the plan. I have to strike at the right moment, though. Otherwise they could get away."

"How do you know what the right time is?"

"The white witches will tell me."

Tiffany nodded and narrowed her eyes seriously at the scene before her. She'd never witnessed an exorcism first hand, much less on a pig, and was intrigued.

One of the white witches got as close to the pen as possible and reached her hands into it to place them on the wriggling pig firmly. She threw her head back and howled, just as one of the other witches called for Lisa's assistance. Lisa hopped into the pen and hunkered down to press her blade to the pig's throat. She remained still until she was allowed cut. The white witches chanted in unison, and Lisa's skin begun to tingle uncomfortably. She reaffirmed her hold on the handle of the blade and wet her lips on anticipation. Tiffany and Taeyong watched on in silence, breaths held for the final moment.

The witch with her hands on the pig gave Lisa the signal and Lisa made one quick incision. The pig flopped uselessly and Lisa swiped again, deeper, needing a quick death. Eventually the pig stilled and the witches quieted. Lisa stood, dripping blood, and looked around with wide eyes. "Are they gone?" she asked expectantly. The white witches only glanced at one another. "Well?" she pressed.

"It took you two tries to kill the pig," one of the witches said slowly.

Understanding, Lisa threw down the blade in a huff. "No!"

Taeyong visibly deflated at this news. "We tried, Lisa. We can try again, right? Or think of something else..." She shook her head, dejected. The council would not like this failure.

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