What the Planet Gave Us

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"I was only given snippets. I think it is near the North Crater though. I saw snow, and a crystal forest. I also saw... shells. Giant shells."

At her description, Vincent's brows furrowed. "That sounds like the Sleeping Forest and the Forgotten Capital."

This time it was Genesis' turn to frown. "You mean the lost Capital of the Ancients? You actually know where it is?"

"Yes. We found it when we first... when we first had to fight Sephiroth."

The woman in question shook her head at his uncomfortable stance. "Don't shy away from it. It cannot be undone, and I have already said I will not hide from my past."

Vincent gave her a pat on the shoulder before changing the subject. "It may be a good thing that the rest of the group has already headed to the Shera. If it was important enough for the Planet to raise its voice in such a way, we probably need to leave quickly. Even if we take the airship it will still take us a couple of days to get there." He started to walk off before turning back. "Wake up Weiss and meet me in the lobby. I will go get Reeve."

She gave him a nod before turning to Weiss. He had lain down in the grass further away from the building and had promptly went back to sleep while she and Genesis had been meditating. She couldn't resist the urge to push the irritating man with her foot instead of bending down to wake him up. When she pushed a little harder than she meant to, and he was nearly rolled over, he jumped up with a glare. She didn't let it faze her. "We have to leave. Let's go."

"What the hell? The world isn't burning down yet. What's the rush?"

"That is a state that is not guaranteed to last. We have a new directive. I'll update you when we reach the rest of the team." She didn't wait to see if he would follow before turning to leave. If he didn't it would give her a reason to remind him not to cross her. She grudgingly admitted as she walked into the building, that she hoped he would. She was still irate from his careless attitude that had not improved much outside of battle.

They had not waited long before Vincent joined them, followed by a frowning Reeve. The latter turned to Sephiroth. "Are you sure you had the details correct? It wasn't the crater itself?"

She gave him a nod. "I passed on everything I could make out. I do not get the impression that we are going to confront the enemy, rather there is something there we will need to be able to fight more effectively."

No one seemed to be relieved by this news. There was no telling what else was buried in those ruins. Reeve made sure the place was never disclosed so it remained unnoticed by any except the core group. They kept a close eye on the lunar harp, so it would have been a death sentence to anyone that tried without an airship. He shook off his thoughts before responding again. "I understand. Wait here, there is something important we will need." He wasn't gone long, but when he returned it was with a small leather satchel. No one bothered asking him what it was before the group headed out to where the Shera was anchored nearby.

When they arrived the group that had already been there were just disembarking. Reeve didn't give any preamble before he addressed Cid. "How quickly can the Shera be ready to go?"

Cid gave him a funny look at the brusqueness of the question but answered anyway. "I had 'er ready yesterday. We could go now if ya need us to."

Reeve gave him a nod. "Good. It looks like we need to." At that he turned to the rest of the group. "It looks as if the planet has decided to gift us with another weapon, but we have to go retrieve it. From what we have been able to gather it is in the Forgotten Capital, so we might as well all go." He paused again before turning back to Cid. "Can the Shera II hold all of us?"

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