Becoming godparents

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So when Rebecca was pregnant with the twins she named Ashley godmother to the twins because if anything was to happen to her and Colby she knew that Ashley would look after them. But 2 years later she gave birth to her third child she found out that Ashley was pregnant with her first child.
Rebecca's phone rang.
Rebecca: Hello.
Ashley: Hello Becky guess what?
Rebecca: What?
Ashley: I'm pregnant.
Rebecca: OMG you are going to be a amazing mom and you are going to love being a mom.
Ashley: Thanks Becky I have a question for you?
Rebecca: Well what is your question.
Ashley: Will you be my baby's godmother?
Rebecca: Yes I would love too. Are you sure that you don't want your sister as godmother?
Ashley: About that you would have to share godmother duties with her because I want her but I also want you.
Rebecca: That's fine.
Ashley: Alright I have to go to my ultrasound.
Rebecca: Can you get a picture for me?
Ashley: Why?
Rebecca: I want to show our kids their future cousin.
Ashley: Alright Bye.
Rebecca: Bye.

Little did Rebecca and Ashley know that when that child was grownup he fell in love with Rebecca's daughter Grace but Rebecca was so happy becoming godmother that she was going to take it on her own.
Colby walked in the lounge room and saw Rebecca happy.
Colby: Why are you smiling are you pregnant again?
Rebecca: No but Ashley is and she asked me to be godmother.
Colby: Well you were her maid of honour at her wedding so why wouldn't be the godmother.
Rebecca: I know it's the first time I have ever been asked and I feel pretty good about it.
Colby: I know that you are a amazing wife and mother to 3 kids and for me that is good enough for me.

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