First Thanksgiving

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So Colby and Rebecca decided that this thanksgiving would be the first time that his family met her family. Rebecca was really nervous because she had already met Colby's family and loved them that she didn't know if her family would like Colby's family.
Rebecca got a couple days off from survivor series to recover and she was preparing for the thanksgiving dinner. So she turned on the tv and watch raw for a few hours because she had to go get her parents from the airport. So she sat there and the first thing she sees is her finance in a black suit and she couldn't help her self but she sent him a text saying 'You look so hot and sexy'.
While Rebecca waited at the airport for her parents Colby went back into his locker room and picked up his phone and he saw the text and he just smiled so he decided to call her.
Rebecca: Hey babe.
Colby: Hey Honey I saw your text message I love when you do that.
Rebecca: Oh yeah I know that but for the first time I actually said to myself that's my sexy badass husband.
Colby: You're using the husband word again but I love it because you are my amazing sexy wife and I cannot wait to marry you.
Rebecca: Me too Alright my parents plane just landed I have to go see you at home.
Colby: Bye I love you.

So Rebecca drove her parents and her brother to her house in Iowa because they were only going to stay for two days and then go back to Ireland. They arrived back at Colby and Rebecca's house and Rebecca's family found their bedrooms. This was the first time since the engagement that Rebecca had seen her family.
Annette: Well show me the ring.
Rebecca: Oh yeah
Rebecca shows Annette her ring that's on her left hand.
Annette: Congratulations sweetheart we are so happy that you're getting married and we're thrilled to have Colby as a son.
Rebecca: Thanks Mum I have something for you Holly Colby's mom has the same thing.
So Rebecca handed her the gift and her mom opened it.
Annette: Rebecca Thank you I have been asking for this.
The gift was a photo of Colby and Rebecca when they got engaged she knew that her mom liked getting photos of the two because she knew that her mom was so happy that I was happy.
Rebecca: Colby should be here soon.
As she said that he walks in the door seeing Rebecca's family and he hugged all of them first and left Rebecca last because when he got to Rebecca he kissed her and whispered in her ear saying 'can I still make love with you tonight because I missed you so much' Rebecca just nodded.
Colby: Alright honey I'm going to get my parents and I will be back.
Rebecca: Alright I love you.
Colby: I love you more.

Rebecca was getting all the food ready and Colby picked his parents and brother up and drove them back to his place. When he arrived home he was blown away by what his future wife was wearing.
Rebecca: Holly, Bob and Brandon this is my mom Annette, my dad Ken and my brother Richie.
Everyone: Hello.
As his family was getting to know hers he said 'I'm so glad that I'm marrying you'. Rebecca smiled and gave him a kiss. Dinner was served up and everyone started to eat and when everyone was done they sat at the table talking to one each other.
Rebecca: I think we should go around the table and say what we are greatful for. Mom you can go first.
Annette: I'm thankful that my family is growing and both of my children are happy and healthy. I'm also thankful for our relationship Ken we have done a great job co parenting.
Richie: I'm thankful that we are all healthy and I'm thankful for you Colby because I have never seen my sister so happy and that is because of you.
Brandon:I'm thankful for my family and I'm thankful for having a new family in you guys I'm thankful that we have met.
Ken: I'm thankful for getting the opportunity to meet your family Colby because in the last 6 months all Rebecca has been doing is talking about you and your family and now I know why because she loves you Colby. I'm thankful that our family is together.
Holly: I'm thankful for both families are together and that we both have children who love each other very much. I'm thankful that both of my sons are happy and healthy.
Bob: I'm thankful for new relationships that are being formed here today and I'm thankful for you Holly when I met you I knew that you're the one for me and I was right.
Colby: I'm thankful for my family always being there for me and I'm thankful for Rebecca's family because when I first met you, you treated me like a son from day one and I appreciate that you guys also gave me the best gift in the world. I'm thankful for you Rebecca you have made me so happy and I cannot wait to marry you.
Rebecca: I'm thankful that both families are together and meet each other today because both families are so important to me. I'm thankful for you Colby our first date I knew you were the one for me you are the sweetest person and I love you so much and I cannot wait to be your wife.

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