Giving birth

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Rebecca's POV
I was 34 weeks pregnant and my due date was in two weeks. So it was Monday and I turned RAW on and started watching it.
I got gitty when I saw my husband beat up every good guy since he turned heel a few weeks ago it was very hot to me.
So Colby's match has ended and all of a sudden I felt pain and the next thing I knew my water had broken.

Rebecca called Colby's mom.
Rebecca: hey my water just broke can you please take me to the hospital?
Holly: I be right over.
So Rebecca hung up the phone and 4 minutes Holly was out the front and they went to the hospital.
Doctor: how many weeks are you?
Rebecca: 34
Doctor: Okay let's see what's going on
As the doctor went to go get the ultrasound machine Rebecca asked Holly to stay with her because she knew that her husband wasn't going to make it on time.
The doctor comes back in with the ultrasound machine you have some time you're only 6 diameters along.

So she grabbed her phone and rang her husband.
Colby: Hey babe can I call you back?
Rebecca: No I'm in labor and I'm 6 diameters along so get the first plane out to Iowa.
Colby: Alright I be there.
Colby ran and saw Triple H who stopped him.
Triple H: You look like a mad man
Colby : Yeah sorry I have to leave early Rebecca's in labor.
Triple H: GO!

So Colby got on the first flight to Iowa lucky enough for him he would be there in a hour.
Meanwhile in the hospital Rebecca is now 10 diameters along.
Doctor: Alright Rebecca time to push.
Rebecca: Holly!
So Rebecca starts pushing and all that of a sudden she hears a baby crying.
Doctor: Come on Rebecca one more.
So she pushes once again and she heard the baby crying so at this point she is so tired.
Rebecca: Holly can you look after them while I have a nap.
Holly: Sure what are their names?
Rebecca: I'm going to wait for my husband.

One hour later Colby landed in Iowa and drove to the hospital. He walked in with flowers for Rebecca and went to the nurses station and said 'excuse me I'm here to see my wife and my two kids'. The nurse said ' Room 65'.
So Colby walked in to Rebecca's room and saw the most beautiful thing in the world she was asleep with the twins ether side of her.

Colby: Hey mom.
Holly: Hey she did amazing I let you get to know your son and daughter.
Colby: Thanks for being their when I couldn't.
Colby hugged his mom and he went to sit near Rebecca.

10 minutes has just passed and Rebecca woke up seeing her kids and sitting in the chair was Colby.
Colby: Hey babe I'm so sorry that I wasn't there.
Rebecca: it's okay you're here now do you want me the twins.
Colby: Yes!
The boy looked like Colby and the girl looked like Rebecca he knew that Rebecca had stolen his heart and now his heart was stolen again with his daughter.
Rebecca: So what do you want to call them
Colby: how about I name the girl and you name the boy.
So Rebecca got the birth certificate for the boy twin and she wrote Logan Robert Lopez and she showed Colby and he nodded his head.
And then Colby grabbed the other birth certificate and wrote Savanna Quinn Lopez and she looked and just smiled at him.

He took a picture of Logan and Savanna and put it on instagram saying ' My little loves' and then tagged Rebecca.

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