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So two years after Rebecca had the twins they decided to go to Ireland for Christmas. At this stage Colby had retired from WWE because he felt like he was missing a big part of the twins life but he was happy because to him he got to wake up to her every day.
Rebecca: Okay Logan and Savanna we are going to see Santa and I need you to smile when you get on Santa lap.
What the twins didn't know that Santa was Colby.
So they went to Colby's coffee shop and their he was in a Santa suit. Rebecca couldn't help herself and she hugged Santa. Rebecca whispered in his ear and said ' can you keep the suit'. Colby just nodded.
Rebecca: Hello Santa this is Logan and Savanna.
So Logan and Savanna went to sit on Santa's knee.
Santa: Logan what would you like for Christmas?
Logan: Well Savanna and I want the same thing.
Santa: What is it?
Logan: I want a baby brother.
Savanna: I want a baby sister.
Santa: Why Do you want a baby brother or sister?
Logan: My Mommy and daddy love each other very much and they are very popular with people.
Savanna: Yeah mommy was the man and daddy was the beast slayer.
So they take the picture of them and then they went home.

It was around 2 o'clock and Colby came home and he went to kiss Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hey Santa.
Colby: Hey our kids are so amazing and happy.
Rebecca: Why Do you say that?
Colby: Do you want to know what they asked me for Christmas?
Rebecca: Yes !
Colby: They both want a baby brother or sister.
Rebecca: What?
Colby: Yeah I asked them why and they said because mommy and daddy are in love with each other.
Rebecca: What about you? Do you want to have a baby?
Colby: Yes I love you so much but I know that at the end of the day it's your decision.
Rebecca: Colby put the Santa suit on.
Colby: Okay.

So Colby was in a room putting the Santa suit on while she was getting into his favourite bra and panties. He walked back into the room with Rebecca sitting there biting her lip.
Colby: Hey have you been a good girl?
Rebecca: Depends if you are asking me yes I have. If you are asking my husband then no.
Colby: You're husband has been a very bad boy.
With that Rebecca started to kiss Colby and they went into their bedroom as she locked the door so Logan and Savanna didn't interrupt them because she was about to try and make a baby brother or sister with Colby.

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