Tegan : hi
Jonah : hey
Tegan ; shh
Jonah ; hes asleep
Tegan ; yh

He leans over kissing me

Jonah : hes adorable
Tegan : i know so adorble ah
Jonah ; u told me be quiet so u be quiet
Tegan : ok
Jonah : how u feeling today
Tegan : sore but im ok
Jonah : good
Tegan : he should be asleep for a while hes just fell asleep hes eaten and dipear changed even tho i don't want him asleep
Jonah ; no i don't either

He pulls a sad face

Jonah : u eaten
Tegan : yh
Jonah : was it nice
Tegan : no and u know its not nice u were here when u were here
Jonah : just asking
Tegan : well no it weren't
Jonah : do u know when u can be relised
Tegan : they done tests this morning if they come back clear we can go in a bit
Jonah ; u ready to go home
Tegan ; i know everything i should know and we have an appointment in a few days . So yes i am
Jonah : good
Tegan : my own bed eat what i want when i want and were be in the comfort of my own house with our baby
Jonah : yh i want u two home it was so quiet and empty and i didn't like it so yes i want u back .
Tegan ; the house is quiet even with us both there noah will make it
Me and Jonah : a home
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : i know what u mean its quiet and he will make it a home

I lean on him

Tegan : still can't belive i pushed him out like hes massive
Jonah : beasty boy like me
Tegan ; u aren't a beasty boy your skin and bone
Jonah : bs
Tegan : u aren't a beasty boy
Jonah : ok
Layla : hey mrs frantzich
Tegan : hi
Layla : yours and noahs tests are clear u can both go i have papers to fill and u can go
Tegan : ok

She hands me the paper and i sign them and layla goes on about medical stuff and my next appointment . And then we leave heading home

Tegan : lookie this is your house
Jonah ; all yours
Tegan ; lets show u your room
Jonah : come on

We walk upstairs and we show him his room and the play room

Tegan ; so many toys for u
Jonah : look

He hands him a russler but he drops it and grabs jonahs finger

Jonah ; i think he likes my hand
Tegan : yh
Jonah : tight grip
Tegan : little strong boy
Jonah : yh he is but come on u need rest

We walk down stairs and i sit down

Jonah : may i please hold our son
Tegan ; fine

I hand him over

Jonah ; so awake
Tegan ; yh he is but he scratching up his face
Jonah : where are his cloves so he'll stop

I get my bag and i find his gloves putting them on

Tegan : no more scrachs
Jonah : yh good
Tegan ; hes got that fresh baby smell i love it
Jonah : yh me to
Tegan : Noah is all were gonna talk about
Jonah : litrally

He then spits up on jonah and burst out laughing

Jonah : really
Tegan : I'll get u a shirt and him freash clothes
Jonah : no I'll go
Tegan : i can do it
Jonah : no stay were be back
Tegan : ok

He goes upstairs and i lay down on the sofa feeling so sleepy but i turn on the tv trying to keep myself up .

Jonah : all sorted
Tegan : good
Jonah : go take a nap
Tegan : im good
Jonah : take a good damn nap
Tegan : I'm good Jonah ok
Jonah ; ok
Tegan : don't worry
Jonah : hard not to u gave birth yesterday
Tegan : im very awear but now whos the strsser now
Jonah : me
Tegan: yh
Jonah : I'm sorry stress ok
Tegan : well calm down
Jonah ; I'll try

Noah starts crying and i get his passie but he weren't happy with it so i try feeding him and he was eating

Jonah ; so he needed feeding
Tegan : looks like it
Jonah ; good thing u produce his food
Tegan : shut up plus we have formula
Jonah : i know
Tegan : after I've done feeding him im having a shower
Jonah ; ok
Tegan : will u be ok while i shower
Jonah : yes after hes eaten burn him and then if hes awake I'll play with him and if hes asleep then put him down to sleep
Tegan ; just making sure
Jonah ; i know

He kisses my cheek

Jonah : i love u
Tegan : i love u too
Jonah : are u about to cry
Tegan : i miss my mom a lot and i just wish she was here because the amount of love i have for him i wounder if she felt it for me and Riley  . And like i said i miss her a lot and i want noah to know her but he never will
Jonah : the amout of love u have for him she would of loved u and Riley the same same with any mom . And she would be so proud of u and i know that because i knew your mom 

He wipes my face

Tegan : im all snotty its disgusting
Jonah : it doesn't bother me he throw up me it was warm and that was digusting i can handle snot

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : right hes done

I hand him to Jonah

Jonah : go shower
Tegan : i will

I go upstairs going to the bathroom tunring on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and i go down stairs

Tegan : what are u cooking
Jonah ; only thing i know pasta
Tegan : well what ever sauce your useing smells good
Jonah ; shoudent be much longer
Tegan ; good straving
Jonah : yh
Tegan : he looks peacefully asleep
Jonah ; hes luckey be able to sleeo when ever
Tegan: talk about life of luxury
Jonah : damn stright
Tegan : after we eat i am sleeping
Jonah : me to
Tegan ; ugh

I lay my head on the table and jonah finshs cooking and we eat

Tegan ; bed
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; be careful with him we want him asleep
Jonah : careful and quiet shit he needs to change clothes
Tegan : very gentle
Jonah : yh

We walk upstairs going to noahs room and we mange to change his clothes with out him waking up. And we put him to bed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed . Going on my phone for a bit and i message my dad and riley

Tegan : sleep
Jonah : I'll do first night shift
Tegan ; who ever wakes up dose it we don't take shifts
Jonah ; u need sleep look what you've been throw the past 48 hours
Tegan : jonah who ever wakes dose it ok
Jonah : ok

I lean over kissing him

Tegan : night
Jonah : night

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