Tegan : afternoon u lazy ass hole
Riley ; oh be quiet plus I've been up talking to james him and jonah will be here in a minute
Tegan : great
Riley ; don't sound to happy
Tegan : sorry
Riley : whats up
Tegan : the sky
Riley : haha so funny

She pushs my head away a bit

Tegan : leave me alone
Riley : am i annoying u little sis
Tegan : no
Riley : sure
Tegan ; if u piss me off I'll tell james u like him
Riley ; u say that all the time yet u never have
Tegan ; i feel like being a bitch today
Riley : cool but i still won't
Tegan ; k
Riley ; maybe u need more sleep
Tegan : eh

The door then goes so i get it

Tegan : loser and hoenah bear are here
James ; thanks
Jonah ; aww princess

I stear at him

Jonah : damn if looks could kill
Tegan ; I'd make sure u were dead
Jonah ; feel the love
Tegan : there isent even meant to be any love
Jonah ; rude
James ; oh french toast yes please
Riley : u hands off she made it for me
Tegan ; share
Jonah ; or make more
Tegan : yh..no

I sit down and i go on my phone

James : so what we gonna do
Riley : what ever cause we an't got your bichee annoying girlfriend around
James ; Riley
Riley : k
Jonah : u really don't like her
Riley : i really don't
James : but u love me so you'll deal with her for me
Riley ; do i tho
James : yh
Riley : k
James : stop king me
Riley ; k

I let out a little laugh and i put my phone down

Jonah ; whats funny
Tegan : her
Jonah ; ok
James ; how do u deal with this
Tegan ; u get used to it
James ; ugh
Riley : oh yh i forgot to ask why were u laughing so much this morning like i heard from upstairs and i woke me up

I burst out laughing

Tegan : don't worry about it
Riley ; ok
James : what a funny video
Tegan ; no
Jonah : come on
Tegan : just don't worry

I let out a little laugh

Jonah ; come on please
Tegan : fine u know justin
Riley : wait the fit one
Tegan : yh
Jonah : have no clue who your on about but yh
Tegan ; so we were talking ok face time and then all of a sudden he says i can barley get into holes so when i get in them its good time . And then winks and then his sister comes in and says u can't get in any holes so don't know what your on about

Me and riley burst out laughing

Riley ; why would he say that
Tegan : i don't know but it was funny and unexpected
Jonah : who is Justin
James : yh
Riley ; all im gonna say fit
Tegan : agreed there
Riley : i would go there with him but like you've been there with him
Jonah : wait what
James : u say u can't get a boyfrined yet you've been with him
Tegan : im not saying anything
James ; no cause last year u were a virgin and then all of a sudden u lose your virginty . And now your screwing boys
Tegan : i will admit losing my virginity was unexpected  to me aswell but it happend don't regret it at all . But i don't screw boys
James : ok
Riley : i rember loseing my virginty fun times
James : to drunk to even rember
Jonah ; i rember that morning he called me and was like shit dude i think i lost my virginty im not sure

We all start laughing

James : i was black out drunk i still don't rember that night to this day but i asked the girl of we did she said yes slapped me and walked away she was pissed that i didn't rember
Riley : i would be aswell as i like to think i rock there world

air / jonah marais Where stories live. Discover now