I wake up to my phone ringing i sit up answering

Tegan : what jonah its 3am
Jonah ; im lost
Tegan : what do u mean lost aren't u at home
Jonah : i don't know where i am
Tegan ; are u drunk
Jonah ; life so fucked up
Tegan ; whats happend where u and how much have u had to drink
Jonah ; everything
Tegan ; where are u
Jonah : i don't know
Tegan ; describe where u are
Jonah ; in the middle of the woods
Tegan : woods why are u there
Jonah : life
Tegan : Jonah please do u have any idea where u are because there are hundreds of woods around us . And u being drunk it isent good
Jonah ; i don't know im just in the woods
Tegan : ok can u try send me your location
Jonah ; how do i do that
Tegan : ugh ok go to my contacts in your messages and it says location and then send it
Jonah : ok

He goes quiet

Tegan ; keep talking

I get up grabbing my jumper putting it on and i walk out of my room

Tegan ; has it sent
Jonah : its not sending i barley got bars
Tegan ; fuck sake

The line then goes dead and i try calling but stright to voice mail so i try calling Carrie tim and Esther but they don't answer so i run upstairs waking Riley

Riley : what
Tegan : Jonahs drunk some where in the woods and hes not answer his phone we need to go we need find him .
Riley : yh ok

She gets out of bed getting a jumper

Tegan : wake dad up get him to help and james im gonna look for him and I'm gonna keep calling him .
Riley : wait for me
Tegan : no i need to go just get everyone even go to jonahs house tell his family
Riley : ok go

I run downstairs out side and to my car and i drive to the lake woods

Tegan : jonah

I shout

Tegan : jonah are u out here...hello

I keep searching and calling his name and calling his phone but nothing and then Riley calls me

Riley : ok james is out looking me and dad are looking and carrie is awear shes calling the police . And tim and esther are looking for him
Tegan : ok
Riley : what exactly happend
Tegan : he called me and he sounded drunk and was like hes lost in woods and then he sais life fucking sucks Riley im worried what if somethings happend to him
Riley : don't hes probley fine just drunk
Tegan : he sounded upset
Riley : ok just don't worry about it keep looking keep me updated
Tegan : wait we need to make megan awear maybe hes gone there
Riley : I'll call carrie and see what we can get out of her
Tegan : thanks
Riley : stay safe
Tegan : i will

I hang up and i start running trying to get around quicker but there was ko sign of him so i give up there . And go to anuther wooded place around james eara

Tegan ; Jonah please

I shout

I keep searching but yet again nothing  and my phone starts ringing again

Tegan : anything
Dad ; no
Tegan ; ugh
Dad : im sorry but apprently jonah and megan had a bust up and he got angry and walked out i don't know the full story .
Tegan : dad
Dad : hell be ok and the police are now involved but there being no help they said he hasn't been missing 24 hours so they aren't going into
Tegan ; thats a fucking joke he could be lying in a ditch bleeding out even dead
Dad : don't think that
Tegan : what else can i think
Dad : think postive
Tegan : im gonna go i need to keep looking its been 2 hours and nothing
Dad ; ok

I hang up and i keep searching for hours but nothing no one heard anything . So i go to carries

Tegan : still nothing

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