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Skip a few days and its now Thursday and I've had Jonah calling everyday but I've stilled ignored him

Dad : tegan we better go
Tegan : im gonna go by myself I'll call u when i want u picking up
Dad : yh no chance
Tegan : no im doing this on my own
Dad : aleast let me drop u
Tegan : fine
Dad ; thank u

We walk out the door getting in his car and he drives me to the clinic

Tegan : thanks
Dad : call me asoon as u are done
Tegan : i will
Dad : i love u
Tegan : i love u too
Dad : don't cry
Tegan : im not just allergies
Dad : sure
Tegan : I'll see u
Dad : good luck
Tegan : yh

I get out the car and i walk inside and i sign myself in and i do a load of forms .

Jonah pov

James : sup
Jonah : hi
James : i litrally love your house im gonna move in with u
Jonah : what with my sister mom and dad
James : i love them and they love me
Jonah : thats true
James : hey cheer up dude
Jonah : yh
James ; holy shit
Jonah : what
James ; have u checked tegans insta today
Jonah : haven't really been on social media why
James : um shes relised a song called don't call me up
Jonah : what

I get my phone and i find her song

James : oh shit
Jonah ; wow
James ; are u ok
Jonah ; i now know how she feels
James : maybe its not about u
Jonah : oh yh then who else is it about then not unless she was cheating aswell and had some guy on the side
James : she wrote it quick
Jonah : shes a quick song writer mean i can write like 3 in one night
James : oh yh
Jonah : maybe i should go round me and her do need a talk
James : no give her space its all she needs at the minute u going round there will cause her more pain and troble . Mean u did cheat and to make things worse u have got megan pregnate
Jonah : i wish i stayed with u now and not got drunk and went off with her
James ; i wish u did aswell i would of stopped u making a fucking mistake
Jonah : yh but it's happend now
James : yh

The door then goes i get up getting it

Jonah : david oh hi
David : u are the last person i want to be seeing but i need u to stop tegan from making the biggest mistake of her life
Jonah : what is she doing
David : she going to kill me for telling u but shes pregnate but she at the clink about to get an abortion . Please go and try and stop her i think u are the only one who can stop her from getting her the abortion
Jonah : shes pregnate
David ; yes please Jonah go before she dose it
Jonah : keys where are my keys

I run upstairs looking around my room making a mess and i run down stairs still not being able to find them

Jonah ; fuck sake
James : take mine

He throws me my keys and i run out the door getting in the car and drive to the clink as fast as i could and i walk inside

Jonah ;wheres tegan cooper
Women ; i can't give out that information
Jonah : shes my girlfriend
Women ; ok i belive shes already gone in for her procedure shes probley almost done
Jonah : no

I walk away putting my hands throw my hair

Jonah : fuck sake

Tegans pov

Jonah : fuck sake

I hear and i look around the conor

Tegan : great

air / jonah marais Where stories live. Discover now