Skip a few weeks

Tegan : hi
Dad : morning how did u sleep
Tegan : pretty well but im still tired
Dad ; of course u are

I let out a little laugh

Dad ; right i got to leave for work
Tegan : have fun
Dad ; is work ever fun
Tegan : no
Dad : yh will u be ok on your own
Tegan ; jonahs coming round in a bit were talking more wedding stuff and apartment stuff
Dad : well have fun
Tegan ; i will
Dad : bye
Tegan ; bye

He goes and i go to the bathroom tunring on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and i brush my hair and i walk out

Tegan : jeuse Jonah
Jonah ; i did nothing
Tegan : i didn't expect u to be there
Jonah : sorry

I sit down

Jonah : how u feeling
Tegan : good im tired but like i always am
Jonah ; u are
Tegan ; u ok
Jonah ; fine anyway i was looking at aprements and houses and i manged to book a few slots for us to go view them in a bit
Tegan : today
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; ok but why houses we only need like a 2 bedroom place
Jonah : i know but the aprements are tiny and i don't really want us cramped in a tiny place. 
Tegan : what about money
Jonah : i have so much saved up my grandmas inheritance is coming throw in a few weeks . Your working at the minute and u have money from your music
Tegan ; i know but i don't want us in the future to be scrapping for money because in a few months i am going on maternity leave . And my music money isent gonna last forever
Jonah : we won't be scrapping
Tegan : ok were just see the prices of theses places
Jonah : yh

I cuddle into him

Tegan ; did i tell u Yashvi and ned are coming next week
Jonah : no
Tegan : yh there coming over and im so exsited
Jonah : yh
Tegan : granteed theres gonna be so much wedding talk
Jonah ; well u and Yashvi are both gonna be getting married
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; corbyn daniel Jack and Zach are coming soon
Tegan : yes my besties
Jonah ; i knew u would be happy
Tegan : its been ages
Jonah : i know im existed because of how long its been
Tegan ; it will be good u seeing them
Jonah ; yh so much to talk about
Tegan : are u gonna tell them what happend a few weeks ago
Jonah ; yh but only face to face
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; right come on we need to go or i get charged if were late
Tegan ; ok

We get up walking out the door and Jonah drives to all theses places

Skip a few hours

Jonah ; so
Tegan ; they were all nice
Jonah ; any of them u would want

I nod my head

Tegan ; i really liked the second house
Jonah ; i was so hopeing u would say that
Tegan ; and its a good price range
Jonah : it was good and the backyard is massive
Tegan ; it is
Jonah ; i will be teaching our child baseball in that yard
Tegan ; and I'll watch from the deck
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; and theres plently rooms so the baby can have a play room full of toys
Jonah ; yh
Tegan ; we need to get that place
Jonah ; should i call up say we want the place

I nod my head

Jonah ; ok I'll do it now
Tegan ; ok u do that I'll pee
Jonah : enjoy
Tegan ; i will

I go to the bathroom doing my bussnies and i walk out sitting down watching some tv while jonahs on the phone. 

Jonah : done on Wednesday we go to the office do paper work do a deposit on it and then in a few months we should be able to move in
Tegan : yes
Jonah : happy
Tegan : i am
Jonah : so am i
Tegan : ah
Jonah : ah back
Tegan : im gonna ask something be honest it won't bother me
Jonah ; ok
Tegan ; if Megan hadent of fallen preganate and lied and stuff would u of told me when u did that u cheated
Jonah : honestly i woudent of told u when i did i would of waited months . Untill we were more stable i guess
Tegan : but then it would of been worse because i would of gone on thinking everything was good and then i find out u were lying to me
Jonah : probley would of been worse but u know

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