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When I woke up this morning to an empty bed, I frowned

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When I woke up this morning to an empty bed, I frowned. But I should have assumed that he would be gone by this morning. Last night as he held me in the cold water, he would hum familiar songs that I used to hear on the radio. There was a light conversation in between. He would ask me if it was feeling better, if the water was okay if I was sleepy. Overall, he showed me how much he could really care for a person.

When I woke up it was late. He was an early bird and the beta for goddess' sake so he probably went to work.

After the heat last night, I changed into his boxers and a big tee. Yes, it was rather huge but he told me I looked cute and I wasn't complaining about being surrounded by his delicious scent.

Spade laid with me all night until I fell asleep but now, he's gone.

I ripped the bandage off my body, both of them. My hand was now healed and so was my foot. I tried to walk and successfully did a few steps around the room when the door burst open and I froze like a deer in front of headlights.


"You look cute," he smiled. I didn't understand how he could say that when his clothes look like they were eating me. So I rolled my eyes, making him laugh.

He looked around the room, his eyes landed on the bandages and he smiled. "I'm making pancakes and eggs, come eat with me?" He asked.

I nod, not wanting him to think I was stubborn. There was that and the fact that I was starving. Spade was wearing tight black jeans and a navy blue shirt. He seemed so formal compared to the relaxed version yesterday in sweats.

"Great, follow me."

I slowly walked out the door and down the white-tiled staircase. "Not to worry, this place is all mine so we don't have to worry about intruders, I guess that's a perk of being close with the king," he turns around and flashes me with his white pearls.

"You're close with the king?" He shockingly asked. Spade and I stopped walking when he turned around to look at me. Most alphas aren't close with they're betas. Sure, formal wise yes but besides that, no. At least that's what I was told.

"Yeah," he shrugged and we walked down the stairs. I followed him into the kitchen, trying not to gawk at the beautiful paintings and decor he had around.

"You can sit there," he points to the barstool and he makes his way over to the counter where the stove was. His back was faced to me as he continued to flip the pancakes. Spade makes the food in silence and I wasn't complaining. It was nice seeing him move around the kitchen swiftly, knowing where everything was located. I also realized he was a music person since once again, he was humming a tune.

I watch as he divides the food onto two plates and slid one in front of me. The other rested opposite me where he sat.

"Thank you," I say, picking up the fork and began eating small bites of the delicious food. It's been so long since I've had something this delicious.

"Do you mind telling me something about you? Anything," he asked, eating his food. "My name is Kizara," I say softly, holding back on my last name. "Yeah, I know that but that seems to be about it," he frowned.

I'm the basically secret daughter of Alpha Ray of the moonlight pack. I have purple eyes because I'm a witch.

"Do you have a family?" He asks and I frowned a bit. "I guess not," I say softly. I no longer had a family. They all were a memory now and I needed to start to accept that.

"You can ask questions to," Spade says after seconds of silence. I look up at him, tilting my head as I studied his beautiful face. "Are you going to reject me? I'm sure the royal beta isn't going to accept a rogue as a mate," I boldly say, shocking him in the process.

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