Act 4 Scene 1

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Xander's pov

We had just arrived back in Windmire and were almost to the castle, the only thing on my mind was Victoria and what she told me. Women aren't equal in Vimore, that bugged me. If I were unable to lead, Camilla would take my place but that would never happen to Victoria, she'd always be number 2. She is such an intriging person and I feel drawn to her, even if I know the bare minimum about her. The carriages stopped and the door was opened, I exited first and helped my siblings out aswell. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Victoria take fathers hand to assist her in getting out of the carriage. It will always disgust me how two parents have allowed an arrangment like this to take place.

"Jakob, show princess Victoria to the queens chamber," Father said and Jakob rushed to Victoria's side and guided her inside castle Krakenburg while the other servants brought the horses and wyverns to the stables before going to get the luggage. I myself headed to my room to finish up last minute paperwork for our departure tomorrow.

Someone had knocked on my door telling me that supper would be ready soon. So I clued up my work and when I exited my room I noticed Alexandros and Victoria had exited the queens chambers. He must be escorting her to supper.

"Alexandros I can escort Princess Victoria to the dining hall. I'm sure you have other duties to attend to in preparation for tomorrow," he bowed and left. Once we was out of sight I let Victoria take my arm.

"You know that wasn't necessary," her mind seemed occupied.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked. I know it's probably a stupid question. The marriage arrangement is clearly bothering her.

"Well I was just measured and picked out a design for my wedding dress," she said softly.

"I trust your opinion on clothing that even if you are marring my father you still picked out a wonderful gown", she giggled. It was slightly strange to see someone of her composure give a cheery, fun laugh. But it was heart warming.

"Of course. Princess Victoria must always look the best!" We both laughed. But by the time we had reached star dining hall we both had regained our composure. We entered and took our seats and supper began.

The next day we were all gathered in the throne room to receive our orders from father.

"Corrin, you will be in charge of the assult on Hoshido. You will go by water as they will be suspecting a land assult."

"Yes father, I'll do my best to make you proud," why must father put all this pressure on Corrin, all to see her fail miserably.

Shortly after we were all excused we left to Cyrkensia where we would be taking ships to Hoshido. We had a few carriages for foot soldiers and our supplies, the knights all rode on horseback and above us wyvern riders and Victoria flew.

After setting up camp in Cyrkensia were sent to bed to rest for our journey in the morning. However I did notice Corrin and Azura missing when I retired for the night. Where were they? I went to sleep knowing that Corrin is capable of protecting herself now.

It was morning and Corrin's troops and Gunter was here too? And Victoria had left to go to the port when I was dealing with some last minute details. I eventually caught up to them and at a good time too, Corrin was bothering Leo.

"When is the boat gonna get here?"

"It'll get here when it gets here."

"But I want it to be here now. Oh Xander your coming with us?"

"Yes I am little princess. Did you think the crown prince of Nohr wouldn't be a part of the conquering of Hoshido?"

"Ah, well when you say it like that, then I guess I should've suspected you'd be joining us," Corrin said scratching the back of her neck.

"We're like one big family!" Elise cheered. Azura flinched. Which was when I noticed something about her. I haven't been around Azura a whole lot but something seems to be jogging my memory.

"No, Elise. We are one family. Aren't we Azura?" I said. My other siblings seemed confused since they were so young and Elise and Leo weren't even born. So I explained to them about my mother and Queen Arete.

"This reunion is sweet, but we have a boat to catch and war to win," it was Victoria in her stone cold voice and stoic face. I felt a little bad as here I am with all my siblings and her family is so far away now, I noticed the sadness in her eyes as she eyed my siblings.

"Princess Victoria is right, lets get going everyone."

We all boarded the ship Elise was very excited and kept going all over deck looking at the views. Camilla watched her with a smile on her face. Leo was reading a tome. Victoria was watching her wyvern fly overhead, resting her elbows on the railing of the deck. I was about to go speak to her when a solider ran on deck.

"Pirates are aboard the ship! I repeat pirates are aboard the ship!"

"How did you let something like this happen?" I called out. We're these soldier's even trained?

"By the looks of things they snuck on before we set sail," someone's getting fired.

"Prepare for battle everyone!" I called and our mounts were brought out and I saw Victoria hop on her wyvern and take out a tome. Have an aerial advantage will greatly help us.

After the battle was over we cornered their leader, he was named Shura and after telling us about his past and revealing that he kidnapped Azura all those years ago I was ready with Siegfried to kill him. But Corrin being Corrin, spared him and now he's a part of our army.

"I will ensure that father never finds out about Shura. I'm sure you know the dangers if he were to find out." I said sternly to Corrin. I don't agree with her decision. But I will respect it nonetheless.

"Of course. Thank you Xander."

I found Victoria tending to her wyvern.

"You fought wonderful today," she turned around to face me, a little surprised to see me.

"Thank you, but shouldn't you keep your eyes on the enemy and not the ally?" She folder her arms and arched one of her brows. I chuckled.

"I guess you have a point. But I can't help but look out for everyone."

"It's the big brother part of you. Victor is the same way. No matter what's going on he always has an eye on me. Your siblings might be too nice to say it to your face, but I have no problem telling you that it gets very annoying and irritating very quickly."

"I-I see," I a taken aback a little bit by her statement.

"I am more than capable than looking out for myself and fighting my own battles. I don't need a man to constantly be looking out for me and protecting me!" I couldn't help but feel that she was lashing out at just me in particular. I think this is all her pent up frustration about her father and her life in Vimore and the whole situation surrounding her being in Nohr.

"Forgive me Princess Victoria. I know you have a lot of anger about a lot of things. But if you could, save your rage for the battlefield. I know you are strong, but I haven't seen you at your strongest yet." I bowed and turned and started to walk away. Perhaps right now isn't the best time for conversation, we're about to go into war.

"Xander," I turned as she called my name, her voice this time was soft. "I'm sorry for lashing out. I-"

"You never need to apologize for telling me how you feel. Everything is quite alright Victoria. Now, get some rest, goodnight," when she smiled I knew everything between us was good so I left.

When I returned to my room on the boat I sat on my bed and tried to think of how I could break the marriage agreement between father and Victoria. This isn't right. No one in their right mind would want something like this to happen.

But then who is the one who isn't in their right mind, father or king Italus?

The Arranged Marriage. Prince Xander x OcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora