Shy Reader Headcanons ~ Hubert x Shy!Reader

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Shy Reader Headcanons

Hubert x Shy!Reader

Game: Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Notes- Eep! So sorry for being extremely inactive! I'll try post more often, but everything may be shorter because I'm trying to build up my motivation for writing again— but I hope you enjoy these headcanons anyway ^^
(EDITED: Only changed a word into italics and added some speech at the end. That's all!)


♥︎ In the Academy days, Hubert always thought you avoided him because of how 'frightening' he is... but that was not the case. You're just a shy person!
♥︎ Years later, once you two became a couple, you soon came to realise that, simply put, Hubert's almost made to be with a shy person. How, exactly?
♥︎ First of all, many people avoid Hubert, since they're too afraid to approach him. Then if you stick close to him, it's unlikely that anyone would try to speak with you, so there's no need to feel very shy!
♥︎ But if anyone dares to speak with Hubert's beloved, causing you to stutter and feel uncomfortable, he just shoots them a simple glare, making them tremble in fear and scurry away. To be honest, it's quite amusing to watch!
♥︎ He's never really been too big on showing affection outside closed doors, but if you're both going out to town or another place filled with people, Hubert prefers to keep an arm around your waist, a small gesture to help you feel safe. You'll also cling onto his arm or shirt if necessary— admittedly, the way you shyly clutch onto him for protection makes his heart flutter
♥︎ Something else? That cloak of his is quite handy too. Sometimes, and in public, you enjoy wrapping his cloak around yourself, even if he's already wearing it— and whenever he casts his eyes down on your blanketed form, Hubert can't help but chuckle softly
♥︎ Oh, and he is tall. Because of this, you can easily hide behind him in case you feel shy! Hubert usually folds his hands neatly behind his back to look presentable, but now he does it so that you can hold onto them if you're standing behind him
♥︎ (Bonus points if you also hide underneath his cloak—)
♥︎ Although Hubert makes sure you're okay... he secretly loves to tease you. Not too much, since he doesn't want you to feel unsettled around him, but some playfulness here and there shouldn't hurt too much...
♥︎ He finds a hidden delight in giving you a surprise kiss a little near your neck, grinning afterwards when a flustered squeal leaves your lips, your cheeks turning bright red...
♥︎ If there is a moment Hubert 'protects' you, you always try to muster up enough courage to thank him— stand on your tip-toes, kiss him quickly on the cheek and turn away from him, too embarrassed to make eye-contact with him again
♥︎ Well at least you can't see his blush, spreading to the tips of his ears after that sweet kiss of yours...

"Th-thank you, Hubert!"
"No need to thank me, dearest,"


Aaand that's all for today, folks! Hopefully I'll be able to post more, but for now I'll see you soon! xx

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