A Lovely Day (Requested) ~ Roy x Reader

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A Lovely Day (Requested)

Roy x Reader

Game: Fire Emblem Heroes

Notes- Requested by GoddessInternal. Hope you enjoy it!


"Okay! Now, which one looks best?"

Y/n asked, holding up an accessory each in her hands. One accessory was a bow made from a white, silk ribbon, with a small blue gem attached in the middle, and the other was a simple, but eye catching, silver bracelet with a pattern engraved into the material.

Today was the Summoner's day off, meaning that she could do pretty much whatever she pleased. To spend this rare opportunity, Y/n decided to wander around the Aether Resort, bringing her boyfriend along with her.

Roy furrowed his eyebrows in thought, wondering which accessory looked the best on his Summoner. He thought that they both did, but she could only afford one with the money she took today.
"Hmm... I like the ribbon!" He replied, pointing to it. Y/n raised the chosen accessory a little higher, a surprised facial expression forming on her face.
"You think so?"
Roy nodded and took the ribbon (nicely) from her hand. He somehow figured out how to open the little clasp at the back, and once he did so, he then moved a step closer to place the bow at the side of her head, tucking a lock of her hair in the clip before closing it. He stepped back, smiling at Y/n once seeing her with the white bow in her hair. After he did this, she looked in the mirror, viewing the accessory in her hair.
"Of co..." His voice trailed off when she widened her eyes with curiosity, touching the bow with the tips of her fingers. Roy thought that she looked utterly adorable when inspecting the accessory in her hair...
Liking the bow, a grin appeared on Y/n's lips, eyes squinting a little with delight as she swirled around to look at Roy again.
"Were you about to say something, Roy?" She asked.
"...Yes! I was going to say that the bow suits you,"
Y/n noticed the faint blush on his cheeks and giggled softly.
"Hehe, I can tell you think that!"

Leaving Roy to figure out what she meant, Y/n placed the silver bracelet back in the basket she picked it up from. She carefully unhooked the clasp from her hair, holding the bow in her hand so that she could purchase it properly...


The couple made their way outside once Y/n purchased the accessory, now happily wearing it in her hair. The afternoon sun illuminated in the orange sky, creating a warm atmosphere for those in the Aether Resort. The blue gem on the Summoner's new bow glittered under the sunlight, catching some eyes for a second.
"Thanks for helping me out Roy!" She chirped.
A smile enhanced Roy's features as he turned his head to face her.
"No problem! I'm just glad to help,"
Y/n felt a finger brush against her own softly, grabbing her attention. She looked at Roy's hand before tilting her head up to see him again, eyes filled with confusion. The redhead paused before looking away, probably out of embarrassment.
"...May I?" He asked, facing her again.
Y/n nodded, smiling brighter than ever. Roy chuckled lightly, taking time to interlock his fingers with her own before holding her hand completely, like two jigsaw pieces fitting perfectly. A blush covered Y/n's cheeks, and she noticed Roy's did too. She moved closer to him, their shoulders touching as they continued to walk in the sunlight of the Resort some more.

"So... what now?" Y/n asked, her voice breaking through the silence between these two. Roy shrugged at the question.
"Hm... we could find a place to enjoy the sun?" Roy suggested, running his thumb along Y/n's knuckles.
She nodded slowly, thinking about the idea. It was a sweet thought!
"Yeah... yeah! Sure! That sounds nice..."
Shoulders still touching, Y/n stood on her tip toes to place a haste kiss on Roy's lips, squeezing his hand lightly. The redhead's smile faltered just the slightest in surprise, though the Summoner wasn't expecting him to tilt his head down and give her a kiss, just at the corner of her mouth. She pouted, earning a chuckle from the Young Lion.
"Want more?" He teased.
Y/n's giggled and looked away for a second, her blush going darker.

Bathed in the warmth of the sunlight, the two continued walking, making their way to the next destination. Hand-in-hand and shoulders touching, of course...


The sky was painted with a beautiful mixture of amber, pink, violet and yellow, the colours reflecting in the couple's eyes. Roy and Y/n had returned to Askr, sitting against a large tree in the huge garden. They were both looking up at the sky, eyes filled with awe upon seeing the view before them. Y/n was leaning against Roy's chest, his arms wrapped around her form.

"The sky looks amazing..." Y/n muttered, sighing contently and resting the back of her head against his shoulder. Roy smiled and kissed her temple, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as they enjoyed the sun a little longer.

"Today was fun," He said softly, leaning his head against Y/n's. She hummed in agreement.
"Yes, it was, wasn't it? I don't get many days off so... thank you, Roy,"
A smile played upon his lips as Y/n raised her hand, placing it against his cheek and turning her head to look into his sapphire eyes, their noses touching.
"Now... can I have that kiss?" She asked innocently, not forgetting his offer at the Aether Resort. Roy's smile only grew wider once hearing her request.
"Of course, Y/n..."

Her hand dropped to his shoulder as he cupped her cheek with his own hand, pressing his lips against her's gently, but with love. Roy could feel Y/n smile against their kiss, much to his pleasure before the two parted, foreheads touching and looking into one another's eyes.

"Wow..." The single word from her was quieter than a whisper. Roy pulled Y/n closer with the arm still wrapped around her waist, placing a small kiss on her forehead. He raised his hand to touch the white bow still in her h/c hair, remembering when she got the accessory not that long ago today.

"Aw, I love you my Summoner!"

Y/n's felt heat rush to her cheeks, but she giggled from the enthusiasm in his voice.

"Tehe, and I love you too!"

She pecked his nose with a quick kiss before looking back at the sun again. Roy looked in the same direction, happy to be watching the sun set with his Summoner by his side. The blue gem in her bow shimmered under the light again, capturing Roy's eye for a second before he continued looking up at the sky.

What a lovely day!


Hey! Oh, I hope this was okay! Thank you very much for reading this, and I shall see y'all soon! Goodbye! xx

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