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I sigh and help Ban up.

"You alright there?" I ask him.

"Y-yes..." He says tearfully. I look at the bruises and scratches.

They might get infected, human children as fragile after all.

"Stay still alright?" I say to him, he nods. I hover my hand over him and cast magic to heal his wounds.

"There all better. I'll take you home and while I'm doing that, we'll get some more food alright?" I say to him, he nods.

"Hey, (Y/n). Why are you being so kind to me?" He asks me.

"Why? Because you can't ever trust humans. But, I can tell that your heart is passionate and pure, and because I've been in that situation myself. When you're in trouble is no one is helping you, it turns into something else." I explain to him.

"Right." He says, he stops and stares at the meat a person was eating on the side.

"What are you looking at?! Scram kid!" The man barks at him, I stand in front of Ban.

"Pardon us sir, would you mind telling us where you found such meat?" I ask him.

"Heh. In the forest outside of here. Wolves roam everywhere hunting at night, Hunting is dangerous, this small piece wasn't cheap after all. You could probably barely afford it, much less hunt them." He scoffs at us and turns around.

"Well, looks like we're going hunting." I say to Ban.

"You can do that..!?" He beams. The man eating turns around.

"Look, hunting at night is dangerous, much less wolves, they come in packs. Even hunters go out in groups of at least five and only 3 ever make it back, with no meat!" He yells as he finished up his piece of meat.

"He's right, (Y/n), it's dangerous, we're risking too much just for some meat, you could die!" Ban says to me as he tugs on my legs. I pat his head.

"It's alright, I'm strong. Believe it or not, I've been out in forests like those for a long time!" I assure him.

"Whatever you say girlie, just remember I warned you." The man scoffs and stands up, walking towards a wall to doze off.

"Let's go hunting." I say to Ban, he nods unsurely.

We make our way out of Ravens and into the forest, growls hiss around us.

"Um- (Y/n), I think we should head back." Ban says to me as he comes a little closer to me.

"It's fine, we're going to be alright." I assure him. Wolves suddenly emerge from all around us. Ban freezes.

"W-what do w-we do...?" He looks up at me. I sigh and bend down.

"Listen Ban, we're going to be alright, as long as I'm here, nothing can hurt y-"

"AH!" he screams as the wolves charge at us, I click my fingers and they stop in mid air and float up.

"See? Nothing can hurt you." He opens his eyes and looks around at the wolves growling, trying to get to us.

"Woah! Are you using magic!?" Ban beams.

"Yep, now close your eyes, things are going to get messy." I cover his eyes with one hand and click my fingers, blood spurts from the wolves as they cry in agony. I take out a rope from my storage realm and wrap up the dead wolves.

"Let's go." I say to Ban, he nods his head happily and we make our way back to Ravens.

The man from before was snoring away next to the gate when Ban's happy jumping woke him up.

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