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Argh...this pain...

My eyes open to adjust to the light, I sit up and light fills my vision. I look down.

I was wearing a white gown.

It smells nice.

I look around me. I was in a small room made of wood, a large window on the side next to the bed I was laying in. Outside was a dense forest, birds chirping and wild animals scurrying around.

"Where am I...?" I turn to the side of my bed. Pain etches across my back.

I almost forgot about that. I won't forget, ever. My wings.

I hold back a tear as I stand up. The door suddenly opens to reveal an elderly woman.

"Oh deary me, you're awake! Sit down, sit down." She ushers me back onto the bed. She takes my hand and places hers on top of mine.

"How are you feeling dear?"

"I'm good thank you. May I ask who you are and where I am?" I ask her.

"I'm Alura, an elder in this village. This village is called Elle, a small village located in the mountains near Baste."

"The human world...?" I say as I look up at the ceiling.

I really am here. I will take revenge.

"Thank you for your hospitality Elder Alura, I'll be taking my leave now." I sigh as I stand up, pain etches across my back again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You need to rest dear. I'll have someone bring in some herbs for you to heal, although the wounds on your back will leave some scars." Alura says as she stads up.

"No, I'll be alright. I'm not human after all.."

"Not human? Oh my stars, a fairy I presume! It's common to see one these days, nether less I'll leave you to it then." She smiles and leaves the room.

"A fairy huh." I climb out of the bed slowly and open the window, the breeze flows through. I slowly climb out of the hut. I start to run into the forest.

I can only rely on myself, humans are not to be trusted.

"Come to me, my weapon!" I reach my hand out in the sky. A few moments later my black staff flies into my hand.

I come to a halt at a small spring in the clearing.

The magic here is really pure. I should be able to heal.

I take off the white gown and the dry bandages around my upper body. I slip into the spring and submerge my self.

Magic pours in self into wounds.

Ever since I landed on Earth, my magic has been depleted to less than half.

"Ah well. I guess I'll have to slowly rebuild my self and expand my magic capacity to defeat the Supreme Deity. How long will that take? 1,000 years? 2,000? Never the less, I have all the time in the world, I'm immortal after all. While my magic is replenishing, I might as well enjoy the fruits of human kind." I sit up and peer at my back, scars left behind scattered all over it.

"I probably should find something more to wear than a gown." I stand up and put the gown over me again, I wave my fingers and my staff zips over to me.

I begin my journey, I start to walk down a path away from the mountains.

I thought so as much, I'm not used to walking.

I still trek on. Soon night fell and I come across a bunch of humans on the road, riding two wooden boxes pulled by horses.

"Woah check out her body!"

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